HSC (XI) Admission Process And Circular 2018 is available. HSC Admission 2018, HSC Admission 2018 -19 , HSC Admission 2018 -2019 session, XI Admission 2018 are search option to apply. XI Class Admission Online Application Form for Session 2018-19 at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd. You can apply online for HSC Admission 2018 via official website www xiclassadmission gov bd. College Admission Online application has started on May and deadline 13th May at 02:00PM to 24th May 2018 at 11:59PM. Before apply you may download the Admission instruction from the box. Stay connect with us to get www xiclassadmission gov bd.
HSC Admission 2018-2019: Students can apply online or Teletalk SMS System. But it is easy for online to apply HSC college admission 2017-18. More than 13 lac students passed SSC and equivalent in 2018. All the students will take admission in a various college in Bangladesh. Govt and Non-Govt college in Bangladesh.
HSC (XI) Admission Process And Circular 2018:
Admission Class: XI (HSC 1st year)
Session: 2018-2019
See more….
HSC Admission 1st Migration Result 2018
HSC Admission 2nd Migration Result 2018
HSC Admission 3rd Phase Apply 2018
Click the below box to Apply all college for HSC Admission:
Another HSC Apply Link: Click here to Apply for HSC 2018
HSC Admission Apply start date: 13 May 2018 ( Start from 2.00 PM)
HSC Admission Apply last date: 24 May 2018 at 11:59PM
HSC Admission Result Publish Date: 10 June 2018
College admission start from: 1 July 2018
All apply information: Click here to see A to Z Apply information
All College Notice: Click here to get all college Admission Notice
EIIN NO.: Click here to get All College EIIN No.
Quotas and seat percentage are given below:
Quota | Percentage (%) |
Out of divisional area | 3% |
Freedom Fighter Quota | 5% |
Ministry of Education | 2% |
See Application process and all admission information ib below PDF:
২০১৮-১৯ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা-২০১৮
See Application process and all admission information ib below images:
Eligibility for HSC Admission:
The education ministry has tied up a policy about who can be admitted in class XI. According to their published policy, we understand that those who have passed SSC or equivalent examination in 2016, 2017 and 2018 from any education board will be considered eligible for class XI admission. Those who have passed in earlier year except these will not be able to apply. However, those who have passed SSC examination in 2015, 2016 and 2017 under the Open University in Bangladesh will also be able to apply. The certificates of those who have passed from any foreign board or similar institution will be determined by the Dhaka Education Board. Then the policy of the students of general education board will also be applied to them.
Group Choice Method
The ministry of education has issued instructions regarding the admission in different groups for different background students. So let us take a look at the following points to know who can apply for which group.
- Those who had science in the SSC level can choose any one from science, humanities, and commerce in class XI.
- Those who had commerce in the SSC level could be enrolled in commerce and humanities groups.
- If you have studied in humanities in SSC, you can enroll in commerce and humanities groups.
There are also logical reasons why the students of the humanities and business studies cannot take science. And the reasons are- In fact, at the university level, it is mandatory to have 7 points in many subjects of science for studying. Studying in science only in HSC level will get you 5 points after getting the golden A+. So from where you will get the remaining 2 points? That is why the students of humanities and business studies do not have the permission to study in science.
XI Class Admission System (Session 2018 – 2019)
Many of you are maybe worried about how the admission process would be. But the ministry of education has released the news for your relief. As like as the last year, the admission system will be on the basis of SSC or equivalent results in this year also. No admission test will be held. This information was found in the XI class admission 2018 policy published by the education ministry.
HSC Admission Application Deadline
In the first phase, you have to apply from May 13 to May 24. However, the students who have applied for result corrections will be able to apply for admission on 5th and 6th June. Then the second phase of application will be accepted on June 19th and 20th. The third phase of application will be accepted on 24th June.
How to Apply Online HSC admission?
You will not have to go to the concerned college for admission personally. You can apply for admission sitting your home. To apply online HSC Admission, you need to go to this site www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd and apply for your preferred college. Applying online will cost you around TK.150 in total. If you find it boring to apply online, you can apply by sending SMS from Teletalk number. However, if you apply sending SMS, then you will be charged TK.120 for each college. At the time of application, you must need to fill up according to the order of your college preference.
Check HSC Admission SMS System
How Many Colleges You Can Apply To?
There is the chance to apply to more than one college so everyone can choose their preferred college easily. It is mandatory for each student to apply to at least 5 colleges. You can apply to the maximum of 10 colleges at the same time. No one will be allowed to apply to more than 10 colleges.
XI Class Admission related all activities, timetable, Admission Instruction, Application rules and admission result available at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd and all education board official website. Dhaka Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Jessore Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Barisal Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Sylhet Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Comilla Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Chittagong Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Dinajpur Board XI Class admission (HSC College), Rajshahi Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Madrasah Board XI Class admission (HSC College) and Technical Education Board XI Class admission (HSC College).
Education Ministry and Education Board has rights to reserve change, cancel, something adds and deduction in this Admission Instructions.
Students can apply for more than 10 colleges by Online (internet) and the Application fee will be 150 Taka applicable. But there will be 120 Taka applicable by Mobile SMS in every application. Both Mobile SMS and Online application fee must pay by Teletalk Pre-Paid SIM.
Both Online and SMS, students can apply individually or mixed system. If any students will give wrong information then Authority has to right to reject his/r application.
Same Contact Number could not use in many students. Different students will use different Contact number. And Contact Number can not change at any cost. For that be careful to give your Number.
Admission Group Code: General Education Board:
SC for Science. HU for Humanities. BS for Business Studies. HS for Home Science, IS for Islamic Studies and MC for Music.
Madrasa Education Board:
SC for Science , GE for General and Mu for Muzabbid.
Technical Education Board you may see on the advertisement. Please download the Admission Notice 2017 above link.
Shift Code: M for Morning, D for Day, E for Evening and if there is no shift then write N.
Version Code: B for Bangla and E for English.
Quota Code: FQ for Freedom fighter, EQ for Departmental quota, SQ for special quota and PQ for abroad quota.
If you face any problem during application then please make a call above Mobile number during office period. Still you are in trouble then please write a comments and write our Facebook wall.
You will get XI Class Admission Result 2018 of all education board on www xiclassadmission gov bd. Just click Menu bar in Result section. HSC College admission result 2018 will appear only at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd.
The Last Time of Admission
The circular issued by the education ministry shows that all admission process will be completed within 30th June. No further admission will be accepted later on. So everybody should complete the admission process by this time.
College Admission Fees
Admission fees of class XI differ area to area. Admission fees of rural area are not same as of the town area. However, the highest limit has been fixed in all cases. Any college having the MPO in the metropolitan area will not be able to charge admission fees more than TK.5, 000. And the colleges having partial MPO or without MPO in the metropolitan area can charge the maximum admission fees of Tk.9, 000 for the Bangla medium and TK.10, 000 for the English medium. The admission fees in the Upazila area are TK.1, 000 and in the district sadar area is TK.2, 000. No one can charge more than TK.3, 000 for session fees. However, the colleges are asked to waive fees as much as possible for the poor students.
HSC Candidate Selection Method
In this year, 100 percent seats will be filled on merit basis in divisional and district sadar colleges or equivalent institutions. However, if there is any applicant for special priority quota after admission on the merit basis, then the students can be admitted on the basis of the additional quota seats. There are 11 percent of several types of priority quotas. But in this year, if there is no candidate available for these quotas then these seats will no longer have the effect. In the earlier years, if there was no candidate in these quotas, the seats would be filled with the general quota candidates. However, in the case of school and college, the students passed in SSC and equivalent examination from their respective institutions will be admitted on the priority basis.
College Class Start
It is clearly noted in the circular issued by the education ministry that classes are going to be started from 1st July. All types of admissions will be completed before the class starts. The vacation time that students received after the SSC examination will end on 1st July. Again, the well-admired scenario will be started regarding educational materials. You will be busy with lots of class activities, home works, and introduction with many new faces and thus your college life will be colorful. You will be busy with your study again leaving all your free times. Class xi admission means you are going to put yourselves in the new world.
College Change Procedure
If you have to change the college after admission, then with the permission of the concerned board you can change the college. No one can change the college in any circumstance without the permission of the board. At the same time, without any prior permission of the board, no college is allowed to admit any student. But if someone wishes to change the college with the permission of the board can change. The college where you wish to get admitted is obliged to complete the admission with the permission letter of the concerned authority. However, for those who have the job transfer of their parents are not required to get permission from the board. Only the submission of job transfer letter of father or mother will be enough to change the college.
Courtesy: To all authorities from where documents are collected
N.B: Generally we try to update any news. For any Change, reform and republished of any news we are not responsible.
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HSC (XI) Admission Process And Circular 2018:
HSC (XI) Admission Process And Circular 2018 is available. By searching HSC Admission 2018 -19 , HSC Admission 2018 -2019 session, HSC Admission 2018 you can apply. XI Class Admission Online Application Form for Session 2018-19 at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd. You can apply online for HSC Admission 2018 via official website www xiclassadmission gov bd. College Admission Online application has started on May and deadline 13th May at 02:00PM to 24th May 2018 at 11:59PM. Before apply you may download the Admission instruction from the box. Stay connect with us to get www xiclassadmission gov bd.
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