Combined 8 Bank Senior officer Exam Suggestions

Combined 8 Bank has published a Notice on 01 categorizes post. It’s a lucrative job and it’s great chance to get job for job seeker. This job is perfect to build up a significant career. Those, who want to work,they should be taken out of this opportunity.

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Combined 8 Bank Senior officer Exam Suggestions:

Exam: 12 January 2018

Download pdf below:

1. 2017-Exam-All-GK-and-Computer

2. সমন্বিত সরকারি ব্যাংক সিনিয়র অফিসার পরীক্ষার জন্য এটি একটি অদ্বিতীয় নোট

Probashi Kallyan Bank Full and Final Solution:

Post: Executive Officer (General)

Exam: 24/11/2017

Exam Taken by: Management department, DU.

Full solution:


১. কোনটি বিভূতিভুষণ বন্দোপাধ্যায় রটিত উপন্যাস-আরণ্যক

২. ‘এক পয়সার বাশি’ এর রচয়িতা কে? জসীম উদ্দিন

৩. মুসাফির কোন ধরণের শব্দ-আরবি

৪. লালসালু কোন ধরণের উপন্যাস – মনস্তাত্বিক উপন্যাস

৫. কবি শামসুর রাহমানের জন্ম কত সালে- ১৯২৯ সালে

৬. বাংলা ভাষায় চলিত রীতির প্রবর্তক- প্রমথ চৌধুরী

৭. বাংলা সাহিত্যের প্রাচীন নিদর্শন- চর্যাপদ

৮. কোন জাতীয় শব্দে ষ ব্যবহৃত হয় না- বিদেশী

৯. শব্দের আগে কোনটি বসে- উপসর্গ

১০. কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম রচিত প্রথম কবিতার নাম কি -মুক্তি

১১. শিক্ষক+ কন মিলে কি হয়- শিক্ষণ

১২. ‘তুলসি বনের বাঘ’ এর অর্থ- ভন্ড

১৩. সমজাতীয় একাধিক পদ একসাথে থাকলে কোন চিহ্ন হয়- কমা

১৪. যে ধরণের বাক্যে অনুরোধ, আদেশ থাকে তাদেরকে বলে- অনুজ্ঞা

১৫. নিচের কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ- পরিষ্কার

১৬. বৈদগ্ধ শব্দের অর্থ-পান্ডিত্য

১৭. ন্যায়পাল এর ইংরেজী প্রতিশব্দ-Ombudsman

১৮. অধ্যাদেশ এর ইংরেজী প্রতিশব্দ – Ordinance

১৯. Excise duty এর বাংলা – আবগারী শুল্ক

২০. বিশ্বজনের হিতকর-বিশ্বজনীন

GK and Computer:

১. পায়রা বন্দর কোথায়- পটুয়াখালী

২. জাতিসংঘের বর্তমান সদস্য – ১৯৩

৩. দারিদ্র্য বর্তমান হার- ২৪.৩%

৪. ক্ষুদ্র গ্রহ- মঙ্গল (প্রশ্ন অনুসারে)

৫. আসামের অধিন জেলা- সিলেট

৬. কাতালুনিয়া যে দেশে- স্পেন

৭. প্যারিস চুক্তি থেকে সরিয়ে নেয়- যুক্তরাষ্ট্র

৮. সাহিত্য নোবেল ২০১৭- জাপান

৯. বিশ্ব সুনামি সতর্ক দিবস- ৫ নভেম্বর

১০. বাংলাদেশের প্রথম রাষ্ট্রপতি- বঙ্গবন্ধু

১১. URL পূর্ণ রূপ- Universal Resource Locator

১২. বাংলা ফন্ট- Bensen

১৩. 8 bits= 1 byte

১৪. ৭ মার্চ ভাষণ- World documentary Heritage

১৫. CRT- Monitor

১৬. Trojan Horse- Virus

১৭. ROM- স্থায়ী মেমরি

১৮. “অসমাপ্ত আত্মজীবনী” প্রকাশ কাল- 2012

১৯. সর্বোচ্চ ভ্যালু- Tera-byte

২০. WTO সদর দপ্তর- জেনেভা


1. Correct spelling: Renaissance

2. I prefer coffee—-tea. Ans: To

3. Antonym of Recollect Ans: c) forget

4. Synonym of Propel-Drive

5. Innovation-a) উদ্ভাবন

6. Antonym of acquaintance Ans: ignorance

7. Correct sentence: I shall set out for Dhaka.

8. Opposite of Facilitate: Hinder

9. We should never cut —–relationship with our friends. Ans: Off

10. Herculean job means- Very difficult job

11. ‘Hit while the iron is hot’ means- ঝোপ বুঝে কোপ মারো

12. He is quick —–figures. Ans: at

13. Hard and fast means- b) ধরাবাঁধা

14. She availed herself—-the opportunity. Ans: of

15. Silver tongue means: a) মিষ্টভাষী

16. Correct sentence: I wish I were him.

17.Correct spelling: sanctimonious

18. Ans: Whoever objects to my going

19. Show allegiance to your master. here allegiance means- Loyalty


১. একজন বিনোয়োগকারী ১০০০ টাকার কিছু অংশ ৫% ও বাঁকি অংশ ৬% লাভে বিনিয়োগ করেছেন। তিনি বছর শেষে ৫৪ টাকা আয় করেন। তাহলে ৫% হারে বিনিয়োগের পরিমাণ কত?

উত্তরঃ ৬০০

২. 2/x=4, 2/y=8 then x-y=?

Ans: 1/4

৩. ১,১,২,৩,৫,৮,১৩…?

উত্তরঃ ২১

৪. যদি একটি সংখ্যার ৫/১৫ এর সাথে ১০ যোগ করলে ২৮ হয় তাহলে সংখ্যাটি কত?

উত্তরঃ ৫৪

৫. a+b=√5, a-b=√3 then a2+b2=?

Ans: 4

৬. ৮ জন ছাত্রছাত্রী গড় বয়স ৮ বছর। যদি এদের সাথে একজন শিক্ষকের বয়স যোগ করা হয় তাহলে তাদের বয়সের গড় ৭ বছর বাড়বে। শিক্ষকের বয়স কত?

উত্তরঃ ৭১

৭. নিচের কোনটি সবচেয়ে বড়?

উত্তরঃ ৫/৬

৮. ২% এর ভগ্নাংশ কত?

উত্তরঃ ১/৫০

৯. একটি বর্গক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফল x, তাহলে x এর বিচারে এর অতিভুজের দৈর্ঘ্য কত?

Ans: √2x

১০. বার্ষিক শতকরা ৭% হারে ১৮ মাস পরে ১০০০ টাকা হবে?

উত্তরঃ ১১০৫

১১. 4,10,22,46,94….?

Ans: ১৯০

১২. একটি মেশিনে একটি পন্য উৎপাদনে ২-৩ মিনিট লাগে। ২ ঘণ্টায় কয়টি পণ্য উৎপাদন করবে?

উত্তরঃ ১৮০

১৩. ৩ জন জেলে ৮৮০ টি মাছ ধরেছে। তাদের অংশের অনুপাত ২ঃ৪ঃ৫ হলে কে কত মাছ ধরেছে?

উত্তরঃ ১৬০,৩২০,৪০০

১৪. একটি বইয়ের মূল্য ২৫ টাকা। যা প্রকৃত মূল্যের ৮০%। বাঁকি মূল্য সরকারকে ভর্তুকি দিলে এর পরিমাণ কত?

উত্তরঃ ৬ টাকা।

১৫. একটি বাস্কের দৈর্ঘ্য ৩, প্রস্থ ২ ও উচ্চতা ১ মিটার হলে এর আয়তন কত?

উত্তরঃ ৬ ঘনমিটার

১৬. বার্ষিক ১২% হারে মুনাফায় কত বছরে ১০০০০ টাকায় মুনাফা ৪৮০০ হবে?

উত্তরঃ ৪ বছর।

১৭. যদি কিউব ক ও খ এর সাইজের অনুপাত ২ঃ১ তাহলে তলের অনুপাত কত?

১৮. একটি বর্গের কৌনিক দৈর্ঘ্য √১০ হলে এর ক্ষেত্রফল কত?

উত্তরঃ ৫

১৯. (x-7) ও (x+8) এর গুণফল?

Ans: x2+x-56

২০. যদি ১০০০ টাকার উপর ৬ মাসে লাভ হয় ৬৫ তবে লাভের শতকরা হার কত?

উত্তরঃ ১৩%

If wrong any answer please comment correct answer..

All English Questions and Solution of Exam-2017:

In 2017 Various competitive exam has held. We are trying to solve all of question in 2017. The English questions and solution of 2017 are given below:

All synonym list of Exam 2017 in below image:

All antonym list of Exam 2017 in below image:

All correct spelling list of Exam 2017 in below image:

Different non-cadre job question solution-2017:

Question solution of Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment:

Post: Deputy Assistant Director


26. Opposite of ‘friendly’: Ans: c. hostile

27. This is an exception …. the rule: Ans: a. to

28. verb of danger: Ans: b. endanger

29. Which one is correct sentence? : Ans: b. One of my friends is a lawyer

30. My mother gave me ……one-taka note: Ans: a. a

31. Synonym of active: Ans: c. busy

32. Opposite of violence: Ans: c. sympathy

33. Call ….. a doctor: Ans: c. in

34. Adjective of agree: Ans: d. agreeable

35. Copying is prohibited in the exam. Here copying is….: Ans: a. noun

36. Complete the sentence ‘I was there that time’, wee need: Ans: a. in

37. ‘Macbeth’ is written by: Ans: b. W. Shakespeare

38. Who is not a poet: Ans: b. Charles Dikens

39. Which is not related to ‘crying’: Ans: b. stinking (দুর্গন্ধ ছড়ানো)

40. Out & out means: Ans: a. thoroughly

41. People from all walks of life all ended the meaning; here ‘walks’ is a……: Ans: c. noun

42. ‘Solar’ is related to……..: Ans: d. sun

43. ‘Oncology’ means a doctor who treats: Ans: c. Cancer

44. Which one is correct sentence: Ans: b. It has been raining for four days.

45. ‘সে কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ হয়ে গেল’-এর ইংরেজিঃ Ans: সঠিক উত্তর নাই। সঠিক হবেঃ He found himself at his wit’s end.

46. Which one is correct sentence: Ans: b. The woman committed suicide.

47. Singular number: Ans: b. Index

48. Feminine gender: Ans: b. Duck (পাতিহাঁস)

49. Correctly spelt word: Ans: b. Cellular (কোষবিশিষ্ট)

50. In the sense of dead body, we may use…..: Ans: b. Corpse (মানুষের মৃতদেহ)

BADC: Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation
Post: Store Keeper

Fill in the gap:
1. I regret to inform you that your application _______ unsuccessful on this occasion. —Ans: has been
2. Through trial and error, he found the right answer_____ —Ans: by chance
3. The statue of liberty stands___ a global symbol of freedom.– Ans: for
4. How do you intend to deal __the problem? .– Ans: with
5. Please don’t forget to ring me when you ___home. .– Ans: get
6. I must ……… for being so late. .– Ans: apologize
7. A good manager is not so easy to come— Ans: by
8. Did you have any problems __our house. Ans: finding
9. D The police officer ordered the teenage ______ the gun on the floor. Ans: to put
10. The company has been forced to lay__ several thousand employees. Ans: lay off
11. Formatted
12. Memorandum
13. Locality
14. Organogram
15. Specialized
Sentence correction:
16. . The moment the manager came to know fraudulent action of his assistant, he order immediately dismissed him.– Ans: ordered his immediate dismissal
17. Because of his ill health, the doctor has advised him not to refrain from smoking. .– Ans: to refrain from
18. If I would have realized the nature of job earlier, I would not have accepted it. Ans: If I have had
19. Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to a personal computer. .– Ans: he or she has access
20. The population of Dhaka is greater than that of any other city in the word. Ans: greater than that of any other.

Chittagong Port Authority Full and Final Questions Solution:

Post: Lower division Assistant


Which of the choices best answer of this question.

23. How old are you?
a.I’d rather not say
b.i’d rather not show you
c.I’d rather not see you
d.I’d rather not show up
e.I’d rather not tell my employer

Ans: a) I’d rather not to say.

24. Can I see your ticket please?
a.ticket is everywhere its mine
c.yes,its a ticket
d.yes ticket is useful
e. I am afraid i can not find it .

Ans: e) I am afraid I can’t find it.

25. Did she leave a message?, she left the office she said, she’d call later
c.yes,she’ll leave on
d.i saw her running is my boss

Ans: c) Yes, she will leave one.

26. How much do you weigh
a.I don’t want to wait
b. that’s boy is twice my weight
c.don’t you know yours
d.I weigh a hundred pounds
e.I weight hundred

Ans: d) I weigh a hundred pounds.

27. Can i pay by cheque?i do not have any cash with him.
a.sorry,the cheque were stolen.
b.sorry,we take only hard cash
c.who bothers? money, no service
e.sorry that’s not fair

Ans: b) Sorry, we only take hard cash.

Choose Synonyms:

28. b) Hoard-Collection

29. c) Impertinent-irrelevant

30. a) Sycophant- flatter

31. a) Scatter- disperse

Fill in the gap:

32. he retired

33. c) Comprehensive

34. d) Sluggish, energized

35. e) were died

36. d) been

37. c) strained

Choose incorrect Spelling:

38. a) Gymnasiam

39. b) fujitive

40. b) dammage

41. d) earthe

Appropriate Preposition:

42. c) along

43. b) on

44. e) No word is missing

45. a) at

BADC Assistant Administrative Officer full Question Solution


1. d) Competent

2. b) Predict

3. a) Can not-probable

4. b) attention- advise

5. c) overwhelmed

6. a) replace good with well

7. c) replace awaken with wake up

8. c) replace feed with fed

9. b) replace so with such

10.d) replace success with succeed

11. c) Surrendered

12. b) passed

13. a) assemble

14. c) cancelled

15. b) obtain

16. d) Regaliage

17. c) Inrascible

18. e) None of these

19. e) None of these

20. c) Malrendition

Department of Social Services Questions Solution:


42. আমার টাকা ছিল না- I had no money

43. He died by an accident

44. ক্ষ এর যুক্তরুপ- ক+ষ

45. কোনটি Verb- Feed

46. Beautify শব্দটি- Verb

47. আমি কোন লিঙ্গ- উভয় লিঙ্গ

48. Ten years is a long time to wait.

49. Each learner of English needs a good dictionary

50. I don’t have much furniture

51. Ten thousand dollar is a lot of money

52. He is an MBBS

53. He did not go home yesterday

Department of Agricultural Extension(DAE) Full Questions Solution :

Post: Store Keeper


1. b) that these form be submitted

2. b)

3. a) for becoming

4. a conjunction is a word that connects two- c) words or sentences.

5. Work that is not finished is not work at all, it is merely a botch, a failure.

c) all; it is merely a botch, a failure.

Fill in the gap:

6. a) Movies that has

7. b) ought to, instead of

8. a) can not, probable

9. b) make out

10. b) will have finished

Correct spelling:

11. b) oblivious

12. d) deploy

13. b) invincible

14. a) serenity

15. c) voracious

odd man out:

16. d) public

17. a) veteran

18. c) placid

19. c) terminate

20. e) Continuity

NTRCA (College Level)–2017

1. Correct sentence: She had faith in and hopes for the future .
2. She argue ___ me about thing—with
3. Swan Song—last work
4. শিশুটি হাসতে হাসতে আমার কাছে আসল —The Baby Came to me laughing
5. Antonym of ‘Inimical’—friendly
6. He Waited until the plane __ — took off
7. My uncle arrived while I __ the dinner. —-was cooking
8. Correct sentence — I Shall avail myself of the opportunity
9. __ mother rose in her. —the
10. Jerry was deprived of motherly affection . here is motherly is —-adjective
11. Panic seized me . ( Passive) —I was seized with panic
12. The singular of ‘Criteria’–Criterion
13. The second world war broke ___ in september , 1939. —out
14. He will came no time . here no time means—very soon
15. I am entitled ___ a share of the profit .—to
16. The dog went mad . here is went what kind of verb—-Coputalative
17. দুঃখের প্রয়োজনীতা মধুর—Sweet are the uses of adversity
18. The antonym of Honorary—-salaried
19 . A Person who treats mental illness is called—Psychiatrist
20. No article is used before—- a pronoun
21. A Person whose head in the cloud—a day dreamer
22. I don’t think you will no difficulty — a driving license . —in getting
23. I decided to go —- with my friend as I needed some exercise . —-for a walk
24. If I had known you were coming ,….— I would have gone to the station
25. Correct sentence—-Each Boy and Each Girl has a pen .

Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) j

English part question and answer:

Find the missing word from the following:

1. When I was in school I used study regularly.
a) to b) by c) in d) into e) no word is missing
Ans: a) to
2. Check the dictionary the meaning of the word.
a) of b) for c) what d) in e) no word is missing
Ans: d) in
3. You resemble your father.
a) to b) at c) for d) of e) no word is missing
Ans: e) no word is missing
4. Bangladesh has so___ beautiful places to visit.
a) many b) lot c) long d) much e) no word is missing
Ans: a) many
5. You should not run___ fame.
a) at b) into c) after d) beside e) no word is missing
Ans: c) after

Correct spelling:
6. a) Miscellaneous b) Miscelaneous
c) Miscallaneous d) Miscellanous e) Missellaneous
Ans: a) Miscellaneous
7. a) Conostallation b) constellation c) constallation d) constelation e) constallition
Ans: b) constellation
8. a) Commemmemorate b) commemorate c) comemmorate d) commamorate e) comemorate
Ans: b) commemorate
9. a) Sunami b)stumany c) Tsunami d) Tsunamy e) None
Ans: c) Tsunami
10. a) Nomini b) Nominee c) Nominy d) Nomeeni e) Nomeenee
Ans: b) Nominee
Insert correct synonymous word instead of given same word/phrase:
11. He “blew out” the match.
a) caught up b) passed c) kicked d) extinguished e) none
Ans: d) extinguished
12. I cannot “put up” with such nonsense.
a) tolerate b) ignore c) save d) demand e) none
Ans: a) tolerate
13. How did he “come by” such a beautiful suit?
a) buy b) obtain c) steal d) change e) none
Ans: b) obtain
14. The mayor tries to “make over” his image.
a) reveal b) compromise c) improve upon d) save e) none
Ans: c) improve upon
15. He “turned in” his paperwork to the main office
a) submit b) showed c) left d) saw e) none
Ans: b) showed

Right forms of verb:
16 The painting ——– on the wall.
a) hang b) hunged c) hanged d) hung e) none
Ans: d) hung
17. The man died ——– malaria.
a) from b) to c) of d) by e) none
Ans: c) of
18. Raju —— here yesterday.
a) comes b) came c) has come d) will come e) none
Ans: b) came
19. I prefer tea —- coffee.
a) than b) for c) from d) to e) none
Ans: d) to
20. I wish you ——- the problem.
a) solve b) would solve c) can solve d) could solve e) none
Ans: d) could solve

Public Works Department:


16. __ People can travel abroad ;— Few
17. He has__ red and white horse ;—The
18. He is swimming ___the current ;—against.
19. He has a taste__reading ; for
20. There is _____milk in the bottle ; —a little
21. Slow and steady ___the race;— wins
22. This is the house _____ I want to buy;— which
23. The feminine gender of Author ;—-Authoress
24. Correct word ; Spelling
25. Translation: তার জন্য জায়গা করে দাও ; —Make room for him.
26. He is rich but honest- complex form ;—Although he is rich, hhe is hhonest.
27. SOS ; —Save Our Soul
28. Frequently ; —Often
29. Blew Out ; —Extinguished
30. Put up with ; —Tolerate

Different bank questions-2017

Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd. (BDBL) Full and Final Questions Solution:

Post: Senior Officer


17.Change into passive: Who is creating this mess?

a) By whom is this mess being created.

18. Use Appropriate preposition: Finding himself short_ money, he wrote_his uncle_help.

c) of, to, for

19. The sentence which carries the similar meaning of ‘Even if it rains I shall come.

a) I will certainly come whether it rains or not

20. Generally speaking___peacocks are more beautiful than peahens. The gap requires-

d) no article

21. I gave him a ‘piece of my mind’ states-

C) Expressed anguish

22. A den for small animals is called-

d) Hutch

23. Which is the longest pause?

b) Dash

24. ‘This is my (office) name.’ The suffix which should be added to the bracketed part.

b) -ial

25. The expression ‘Browbeating’ means-

d) Frightening somebody

26. If a man is ‘worth his salt, here he is-

c) a valuable employee

27. We waited until the plane—-

b) took off

28. Fill in the gap: ‘She works six days__week.’

b) a

29. The superlative degree of the word ‘able’ is-

b) ablest

30. The ‘zero plural marker’ is used in-

a) Canon

31. The correct spelling is-

a) surveillance

32. The word ‘Jaunt’ is synonymous to-

a) Short drive

Bank ASIA MTO-2017

Antibiotic=জীবানু প্রতিষেধক
Infection =জীবাণু
Antibiotic এর কাজ Infection বন্ধ করা।
Coagulant=রক্ত জমাট বাধা
Bleeding =রক্ত বের হওয়া।
Coagulant এর কাজ Bleeding বন্ধ করা
2.Candle :Wax::Tire:Rubber
Explanation :
Candle is made from Wax
Tire is made from Rubber
Eulog/Praise =প্রশংসা
Eulogy & Praise both are synonymous
But we can say that
Eulogy is the excessive form of Praise
Elegy= শোকসংগীত
Elegy is the excessive form of Lament
Servile =ক্রীতদাসসুলভ
Servile means is the excessive form of complaint
Gullible is the excessive form of trusting.
«»«Opposite Word=====
6.Adhere means লেগে থাকা opposite Detach
More synonymous
7.Effrontery mean বেহায়াপনা opposite word deference
More synonymous:
৮.Obdurate means একগুঁয়ে
opposite Complaint
More Synonymous
9.Aver means surely say
opposite Refuse & Deny
But appropriate opposite Refuse
More synonymous:
*Assert confidently or declare
*State formally as a fact
10.Supine Means নিষ্কর্মা,অকর্মা
Opposite vigilant

MCQ (English)

1. (Why) is it difficult (to) dispose (of) waste?
2. (Besides) many lands, he has big busines.
3. He (would have been arrested) if he had tired to leave the country.
4. I wish, I (met) you ten years earlier.
5. She boasted (of) her skill at chess.
6. Synonym of Petulant : Impatient
7. Antonym of Nimble : Humble
8. correct spelling : spontaneous
9. Thimble : Finger as Crown : Head
10. Man of parts means talented
11. Passive of who spoke it? By whom was it spoken?
12. He believes in one god. He is a ___ monotheist
13. Inderect speech of He said: “Let me have some milk” He said that he might have some milk.
14. We insist on your leaving the meeting before any further out bursts take place.
15. The food that Shameem is cooking in the kitchen smells delicious.
16. Which underline word is an adverb?
ans: The shirt suits me fine.
17. He likes concerts and so do we.
18. Dina is taller than all of her four sisters.
19. simple form of “I heard that she was singing”.
ans: I heard her singing.
20. Which one is noun: Nostalgia
21. A golden age written by Tahmima Anam
22. Poet of beauty John Keats
23. কাজের সময় কাজি, কাজ ফুরালে পাজি – none
24. A burnt child dread for means: A bad experience may scare one’s attitude.
25. Odd word in the following : Nadir

Bangladesh Krishi Bank Cash detail Full & Final detail Question Solution:

English Solution:

17. Correctly Spelt word is-Autism

18. The antonym of “Climax” is-Nadir

19. The expression ‘Take into account’ means-Consider

20. “Perhaps I won’t go out this evening” means- I may not go out this evening.

21. The verb of “Politics” is -Politicize

22. The plural of “Spectrum” is- Spectra

23. Which is not an English Prefix- er

24. “A child likes sweets only.” The negative form of the sentence is-A child likes nothing but sweets.

25. “It cannot be done.” The active voice form is- No one can do it.

26. He said, ” I can do the work.” The indirect narration is–He said that he could do the work.

27. I can give you no assurance____help- of

28. The principal made an inquiry ____ the case. -into

29. ____do you spell your surname?-How

30. The noun form of the word “Fortunate” is–Fortune.

31. “May Allah help you.” is an- Optative Sentence

32. নাচতে না জানলে উঠান বাঁকা-A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

Probashi Kallyan Bank Full and Final Solution:

Post: Executive Officer (General)


1. Correct spelling: Renaissance

2. I prefer coffee—-tea. Ans: To

3. Antonym of Recollect Ans: c) forget

4. Synonym of Propel-Drive

5. Innovation-a) উদ্ভাবন

6. Antonym of acquaintance Ans: ignorance

7. Correct sentence: I shall set out for Dhaka.

8. Opposite of Facilitate: Hinder

9. We should never cut —–relationship with our friends. Ans: Off

10. Herculean job means- Very difficult job

11. ‘Hit while the iron is hot’ means- ঝোপ বুঝে কোপ মারো

12. He is quick —–figures. Ans: at

13. Hard and fast means- b) ধরাবাঁধা

14. She availed herself—-the opportunity. Ans: of

15. Silver tongue means: a) মিষ্টভাষী

16. Correct sentence: I wish I were him.

17.Correct spelling: sanctimonious

18. Ans: Whoever objects to my going

19. Show allegiance to your master. here allegiance means- Loyalty

National Bank Ltd.Probationary Officer-2017


Pin point error:

1. a) was hitting ( right was hit)

2. c) those ones

3. d) wasn’t it

4. b) to the manager

5. a) is


6. a) keep secret

7. b) purification

8. d) process of evolving

9. d) taciturn

10. c) express joy


11. c)gladiator:arena

12. c) wanderlust:travel

13. d)tonic:lethargy

14. d) prediction:augury

15. a) dote:like

Uttara Bank Ltd. Questions Cash officer-2017



26) Heart: cardiology

d) Fossils: palaeontology

27) Wet: dry

b) scold : praise

28) Shield: soldier

a) Helmet: Rider

29) Ashes: fire

c) Relics : Civilization

30) Needle: Thread

c) Bat: Ball

Correct spelling:

31) b) Jeopardise ( Jeopardize also correct)

32) b) Fascism

33) d) Expatriate

34) a) Etiquette

35) a) Mustache

Make sentence meaningful by replace phrase or idiom:

36) c) A little

37) b) and neither did I

38) d) to

39) b) as

40) a) has been living


41) Lest:

b) unless

42) Give up

d) stop doing

43) Hybrid

b) crossbred

44) Devoid

a) lacking

45) Submerge

c) to sink

Fill in the gap:

46) b) for

47) b) significant

48) b) on

49) b) staff

50) c) by

Agrani Bank Cash Officer-2017


17. d) interrupting

18. c) biting

19. d) Transmittance

20. b) no other person but he is

21. c) in

22. c) Eloquence

23. a) Sweet-sounding

24. c) incorrect spelling

25. b) angler

26. c) Divine: infernal

27. c) gives in

28. a) boxer

29. a) কাটা দিয়ে কাটা তোলা

30. c) confined

31. b) I asked whose picture it was.

32. a) if possible, try to visit.

Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar(EBEK) all English Questions Solution of several post:

He worked with all sincerity. here with all sincerity….ঘ) An adverbial phrase

The Sun Also Rises কার লেখা? গ) Ernest Hemingway

শব্দসমূহের প্রথম অক্ষর দ্বারা গঠিত শব্দ কে কি বলে? ক) Acronym

কোনটি Imperative sentence? খ) Close the door.

‘He has much money’ এর Negative..ঘ) He has not a little money

He wished Mr. Kamal Good Morning.

Mixed Noun-ক) headmaster

লোভে পাপ, পাপে মৃত্যু এর ইংরেজি? ক) Greed leads to sin and to death

Which is conjunction- ঘ) But

down to earth meaning- গ) Realistic

correct sentence-ঘ) Death is preferable to dishonor

correct sentence-গ) He speaks English like the English

correct sentence- ঘ) the train will go to dhaka.

correct sentence- ঘ) I have no pen to write with

Controller General Defence Finance (CGDF) Full Question Solution:

Post: Auditor


16. b) too small

17. a) anger

18. b) disobey

19. d) barrier

20. a) liberate

21. b) have

22. c) go

23. b) resort

24. b) staged

25. b) though

26. b) with

27. C) heard

28. b) check

29. to be

30. d) not only

31. c) such a large

32. b) could

33. d) been to

34. b) worth

35. c) Appease


1……… the crowd, the poor child began to cry
b.Having bewildering
c.Having been bewildering@@
d.Bring bewildering
2.What is the opposite word of ally is
3.My friend doesn’t like fish and
a.neither I do
b.I do
c.neither do I@@
d.I do either
4.A person who is skilled in foreign language
5.Having such a rich family inheritance……… had its effect on Rakib
b.must be having
c.must have@@
6.The govt. will offer cash incentives on exports……. non traditional items to encourage export diversification
7.We were waiting “for the bus” is
a.Noun phrase@@
b.Verbal phrase
c.Prepositionsl phrase
d.Adverbal phrase
8.To blaze trail refers to set on fire be annoyed oppose initiate work in a movement@@
9.Synonym of Gaily
10.Which one is correct spelling
Questions of basic grammar:
1) She told me her name after he–
a) left
b) had left √
c) has left
d) has been left
2) When we arrived a crowd—four hours to greet him.
a) had been waiting √
b) is waiting
c) has been waiting
d) was waiting
3) Very few of us – long distances.
a) used to walking
b) are used to walk
c) are used to walking √
d) used to walk
4) Don’t let the teacher catch you–
a) cheat
b) cheating √
c) cheats
d) to cheat
5) He is older than–.
a) I √
b) me
c) mine
d) my
6) My family and I – well.
a) am
b) is
c) are √
d) none
7) How many times – you? Turn that music down!
a) do I tell
b) have I told
c) am I telling
d) have I been telling √
৮.You had better – harder, or you will fail the test.
a) study √
b) studied
c) studying
d) to study
9) We opted – a reconciliation – the dispute.
a) in, to
b) with, at
c) for, to √
d) for, of
10) I count—your help.
a) upon
b) after
c) with
d) on √
11) Can you tell me where—?
a) does Maruf live
b) Marud does live
c) lives Maruf
d) Maruf lives √
12) The news that you heard yesterday is known to all. Here “that you heard” is—clause.
a) noun
b) adjective √
c) adverb
d) none
13) Choose the correct one.
a) Let you and I go together.
b) Let I and you go together.
c) Let me and you go together.
d) Let I and you go together. √
14) She reached – the station.
a) at
b) in
c) of
d) none √
15) Everyday I buy huge–
a) tomato
b) tomatoes √
c) tomatus
d) tomatos
16) I spent – with the patient.
a) some times
b) some time √
c) sometimes
d) sometime
17) He and I –well.
a) are √
b) is
c) was
d) am
18) Feminine form of HART
a) Lass
b) Hind
c) Roe √
d) Doe
19) Which is used as masculine always?
a) Amazon
b) Blonde
c) Siren
d) Parson √
20) —–parent plays a different but important role in a child’s life.
a) any
b) each √
c) anyone
d) the

Courtesy: To all authorities from where documents are collected

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I have completed my BBA, MBA from Rajshahi University in Finance and Banking.

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