Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Exam Question Solution 2020

Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Exam Question Solution 2020 has been published. BPI Exam Question Solution 2020, BPI Exam Question With Answer 2020, BPI Exam Question Solve 2020, Exam Question Solution of Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) 2020, Job Exam Question Solution of BPI 2020, BPI Scientist Officer Exam Question Solution 2020, BPI Assistant Director Exam Question Solution 2020, BPI AD Exam Question Solution 2020, BPI Assistant Exam Question Solution 2020, petroleum question solution, BPI MCQ Exam Question Solution 2020, BPI Previous Question Solution, BPI Written Exam Question Solution 2020, exam question, BPI Job MCQ Answer, Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Job Exam Question Solved 2020 are the search option to get all information of Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Job Exam Question Solution 2020. 




Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Question Solution publishes On Our website. BPI Question Solution also publishes Previous Question Solution Categorize in Our website. We will be uploaded all BPI Question Solution on this post. So you can be easily collect Full BPI Question Solution from this post of our website. BPI Question Solution Download link will be available on this post. The BPI Question Solution will be available here on the below links:


Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) is a Government organization in Bangladesh. BPI has published Exam Question Solution 2020. See detail of Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) MCQ & Written Exam Question Solution 2020 in below.








Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Exam Question Solution 2020: 

Organization Name: Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) 

Post Name And Vacancy: 

1. Scientist Officer – 07

2. Assistant Director – 04

3. Technician (Computer)-01

4. Assistant (Account)-01

5. Assistant (Library)-01


Total Vacancy: 14 



Exam Date: 18 December 2020

Exam time: 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM  



See/Download Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Job Exam Question Solution 2020 From Below:

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সমাধানের কপি কেউ শেয়ার করলে কার্টেসী দিবেন প্লিজ…. 

MCQ অংশ সমাধানঃ 


বাংলা অংশ সমাধানঃ 

১. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ? উত্তরঃ কুজ্ঝটিকা 

২. যুগ সন্ধিক্ষণের কবি কে? উত্তরঃ ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র গুপ্ত 

৩. ‘কাজটি ভাল দেখায় না’- এটি কোন বাচ্যের উদাহরণ? উত্তরঃ কর্মবাচ্যের 

৪. নিচের কোনটি তদ্ধিত প্রত্যয়? উত্তরঃ ছাপাখানা (ছাপা + খানা; এখানে খানা বিদেশী তদ্ধিত প্রত্যয়) 

৫. ”প্রদীপ নিভে গেল” বাক্যটি কোন কালের? উত্তরঃ সাধারণ অতীত

৬. মৌলিক শব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ গোলাপ 

৭. “সর্বাঙ্গে ব্যথা, ঔষধ দিব কোথা”  এই বাক্যে ”ঔষধ” কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি উদাহরণ? উত্তরঃ কর্ম কারকে শূন্য

৮. খাঁটি বাংলা উপসর্গ যোগে সৃষ্ট পদ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ আকাঁড়া 

৯. কোন বাক্যটি প্রযোজক ক্রিয়া দ্বারা গঠিত? উত্তরঃ মা শিশুটিকে হাসান 



ইংরেজি অংশ সমাধানঃ  

Fill in the blanks (10-14)

১০. Javed truly wanted to serve in the position no one else wanted;  his enthusiasm was———-. উত্তরঃ sincere 

১১. As the day wore on with little progress in evidence, Jenny’s energy began to ———. উত্তরঃ wane 

১২. After a month of Survival training in the wilderness, the scout became quite———-. উত্তরঃ alert 

১৩. Being able to afford this luxury car will——– getting a better paying job. উত্তরঃ necessitate

১৪. He will be arriving quiet late, so by the time he comes, the play——. উত্তরঃ Will have begun

১৫. The antonym of COERCIVE is? উত্তরঃ gentle

১৬. Synonym of ALTRUISTIC? উত্তরঃ Benevolent 

১৭. Select the correct spelling of the word. উত্তরঃ Acquaintance

১৮. Choose the correct pair of words from the following SYMPHONY: COMPOSER? উত্তরঃ Fresco: painter


গণিত অংশ সমাধানঃ 

১৯. A swimming pool is initially filled to a depth of 96 inches. After 2 weeks, the depth has decreased to 92½ inches. Assuming that the depth decreased at a constant rate, after how many days would the water depth have reached 93¾ inches?

উত্তরঃ 9 

২০. ln the coordinate plane, line m passes through the origin and has slope 3. lf points (6,y) and (x,12) are on line m, then y-x =? উত্তরঃ 14 

২১. A delivery cart went from Candleford to Lark Rise and back at an average speed of 2323 miles per hour. If the distance from Candleford to Lark Rise is 1 mile, and the trip back took half as much time as the trip there, what was the average speed of the delivery cart on the way to Lark Rise? উত্তরঃ 1/2 

২২. The average of several exam scores in 80.One make-up exam was given. included with the other scores , The new average was 84. If the score on the makeup exam was 92 , how many total exams were given? উত্তরঃ 3 

২৩. h=3a+28.6 

A pediatrician uses the model above  of estimate the height b of a boy, in inches, in terms of the boy’s age 4, in years, between the ages of 2 and 5 based on the model, What is the estimated increase, in inches, of a boy’s height each year? উত্তরঃ 3 

২৪. A television with a price of $300 is to be purchased with an initial payment of $60 and weekly payments of $30. Which of the following equations can be used to find the number of weekly payments, w, required to complete the purchase, assuming there are no taxes or fees? উত্তরঃ 300= 30W + 60 


সাধারণ অংশ সমাধানঃ

২৫. Which country has the highest energy consumption per capita in the world? উত্তরঃ Iceland 

২৬. Which of the following is not considered to be a source of renewable energy? উত্তরঃ Natural Gas 

২৭. Who is the author of the book “Principia mathematica”? উত্তরঃ Isaac Newton

২৮. Who has won the US Open 2020 Men’s Single Title? উত্তরঃ Dominic Thiem

২৯. Who won the Nobel Prize 2020 in Literature? উত্তরঃ  Louise Glück (USA) 

৩০. What is the name of the currency of Latvia? উত্তরঃ Euro



লিখিত অংশ সমাধানঃ  

বাংলা অংশ সমাধানঃ 

৩১. সম্প্রতি বন্যায় আপনার এলাকার গ্যাস লাইনটি ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয়েছে। এই বিষয়ে বিস্তারিত জানিয়ে যথাযথ কর্তৃপক্ষকে চিঠি লিখুন।

উত্তরঃ নিজে চেষ্টা করুন… 

৩২.  Translate the following into Bangla.

Today marks the 49 years of our existence as sovereign nation. On this day in 1971, our struggle for independence following a nine-month war was rewarded with a richly deserved victory that came at the cost of unimaginable loss of life and persecution. We should always remember with a deep sense of gratitude, the enormous contributions of the freedom fighters who fought and bled on the ground and the leading role of Bangabandhu and his four trusted lieutenants in steering us to this moment. Together, their efforts and sacrifices as well as that of countless other individuals both at home and abroad, paved the way for fulfillment of Bengali dream for self-determination.

উত্তরঃ আজ সার্বভৗম জাতি হিসেবে আমাদের অস্তিত্বের ৪৯ বছর।১৯৭১ সালের এই দিনে নয় মাস যুদ্ধের পর স্বাধীনতার জন্য আমাদের সংগ্রামকে পুরোপুুরি প্রত্যাশিত বিজয়ের মাধ্যমে পুরস্কৃত করা হয় আর এই বিজয় অর্জিত হয় জীবনের অকল্পনীয় ক্ষতি এবং নির্যাতনের মাধ্যমে। আমোদের মুক্তিযোদ্ধা যারা মাতৃভূমিতে রক্ত ঝরিয়ে তাদের বিশাল অবদানকে সবসময় কৃতজ্ঞতার গভীর খেকে স্বরণ করা উচিত।এবং বঙ্গবন্ধুর মূখ্য ভূমিকাগুলো এবং তার চার বিশ্তস্ত প্রতিনিধি আমাদেরকে এই মূহুর্তের দিকে পরিচালিত করেছে সেটা কৃতজ্ঞতার গভীর খেকে স্বরণ করা উচিত। সর্বোপরি তাদের এবং দেশ বিদেশের উভয়ের অসংখ্য ব্যক্তির প্রচেষ্টা এবং ত্যাগ আত্বসংকল্পের তাগিদে বাঙ্গালীর স্বপ্ন পূরণের পথ তৈরি করে দিয়েছিল।


ইংরেজি অংশ সমাধানঃ  

৩৩. Fashions trends are difficult to follow these days and it is widely believed that they primarily exist just to sell clothes. Some people believe that we should not follow them and that we should dress in what we like and feel comfortable in. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? You should write at least 200 words. Use your ideas, knowledge. and experience and support your arguments with examples and with relevant evidence.

উত্তরঃ নিজে চেষ্টা করুন…  


গণিত অংশ সমাধানঃ 

34. A shopkeeper buys 100 mangoes at tk 12 each. He sells 60 mangoes at tk 17.40 each and x mangoes at tk 11.31 each. The shopkeeper makes a profit of at least 10%. Find the least possible value of x?

Solution: 24 (Approx.

35. A train 150 meter long passes a man, running at 2 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going in 3 seconds. What is the speed of the train?


Speed of the train relative to man
=50*18/5=10*18=180 km/hr
Let, the speed of the train be x km/hr
Then, relative speed (x-2) km/hr
ATQ, x-2=180
Or, x=180+2
Or, x=182 km/hr
So, the speed of the train =182 km/hr(ans)

সাধারণ অংশ সমাধানঃ

৩৬. Where and when the deep seaport of Bangladesh will be constructed?

উত্তরঃ Matarbari Port is an under-construction deep sea port at Matarbari in Maheshkhali Upazila of Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh. Matarbari deep seaport will be constructed within 2026.

৩৭. When and where the next summer Olympic will be held?

উত্তরঃ The next summer Olympic will be held in Tokyo, Japan in 23 July to 8 August 2021.  

৩৮. How many goals there in SDG? Mention any three of them?

উত্তরঃ There are 17 goals there in SDGs. There are….

i) No Poverty

ii) Zero Hunger

iii) Quality Education

৩৯. When the Corona anti-viral drugs may be available from different sources?

উত্তরঃ In 2021 Corona anti-viral drugs may be available from different sources. 





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Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Exam Question Solution 2020:

Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Job Question Solution is available above. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Job Exam Question has been published by the authority. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) Job Circular All information is given above. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) is one of the largest Government organizations in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) has published a huge job circular by the Authority. All information regarding the appointment of Bangladesh Petroleum Institute (BPI) is given on our website We Publish all job circulars every day, Such as Government Jobs in Bangladesh, Bank Jobs in Bangladesh, Private Jobs in Bangladesh, International NGOs in Bangladesh, Private Companies in Bangladesh, and Private University Jobs in Bangladesh. Bank Jobs Results, Government Jobs Results, Government University Jobs result in Bangladesh and all Part-time Jobs in Bangladesh and other educational support are available here in our website. We provide different types of job information with also provide some effective information or resource and job tips which helps to get job easily. We trust that our distributing data helps the activity searchers who are finding a superior employment. We likewise share slanting assets for learner uniquely who is re expanding their insight. Our principle target turns into a trusty occupations round site in Bangladesh by distributing a genuine refresh that enables the joblessness to individuals. All the jobs of this website is not for the unemployed people but also employed people too. All type of suggestions, question solutions of different competitive exam are available here. We provide all type of educational support in our website So everyday tune with our website for all kinds of educational support. Please like our Facebook page



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