PKB Officer Exam Question Solution 2021

PKB Officer Exam Question Solution 2021 is available below. Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB) Officer Exam Question Solution 2021 has been published by the authority. PKB Officer Exam Question Solution 2021 is good news for job seekers in Bangladesh. All information on PKB Officer MCQ Question Solution 2021 is available below. Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB) is a Government Organization in Bangladesh.






PKB Officer Exam Question Solution 2021: 

Organization Name: Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB)

Post Name and Vacancy:

1. Senior Officer – 81

2. Officer – 112

3. Officer (Cash) – 86

Total Vacancy: 279 

Job ID: 10112, 10113, 10114  


Officer MCQ Exam Date: 12 November 2021

Exam Time: 3.00 PM to 4.00 PM 

Total MCQ Candidates: 99714

Exam Taker: Arts Faculty, Dhaka University. 


See/download Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB) Officer Exam Question Solution 2021 from below: 


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বাংলা অংশের সমাধানঃ  

১. নিচের যেটি মধ্যপদলোপী কর্মধারয় সমাসের উদাহরণ? উত্তর: মৌমাছি

২. ‘ব্যাঞ্জনা’ শব্দে ‘ন’ ধ্বনির স্বাভাবিক উচ্চারণস্থান পাল্টে হয়- উত্তর: দন্তমূলীয়

৩. অন্যোন্য সমীভবনের একটি দৃষ্টান্ত হলো- উত্তর: উচ্ছ্বাস

৪. ক্রিয়ার ‍দ্বিরুক্তি যোগে গঠিত বিশেষণের দৃষ্টান্ত হলো- উত্তর: যায় যায়

৫. মীর মশাররফ হোসেনের সঙ্গে প্রাসঙ্গিক নয় যে ধরনের সাহিত্যকর্ম- উত্তর: ট্রাজেডি

৬. ‘যাচঞা’- এর ধাতু অংশ হলো- উত্তর: যাচ্

৭. ঢাকা থেকে প্রকাশিত সাহিত্যসাময়িকী ‘প্রগতি’র অন্যতম সম্পাদক ছিলেন- উত্তর: বুদ্ধদেব বসু

৮. ডাক ও খনার বচনের একটি বিশেষ বৈশিষ্ট্য হলো- উত্তর: ছন্দ বৈচিত্র্য

৯. বাংলা লিপি সংষ্কারে বিশেষ ভূমিকা রেখেছেন- উত্তর: ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর

১০. নিচের যে গুচ্ছে কোনো অপপ্রয়োগ ঘটেনি- উত্তর: ভাষী, সবান্ধব

১১. নিচের যে শব্দটি আঞ্চলিকতা প্রভাবিত নয়- উত্তর: কাটারি

১২. শওকত ওসমানের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের শরণার্থী অভিজ্ঞতার প্রতিফলন ঘটেছে যে রচনায়- উত্তর: জাহান্নাম হইতে বিদায়

১৩. ‘আচমন’- এর সমার্থক হলো- উত্তর: প্রক্ষালন

১৪. ‘বিহ্বলতা’র প্রমিত উচ্চারণ হলো- উত্তর: বিউভলতা

১৫. ‘রূপার চেয়ে সোনার দাম বেশি’। স্ফীত হরফের শব্দটি যে কারকের দৃষ্টান্ত- উত্তর: কর্ম

১৬. ‘বিরল’- এর বিপরীতার্থক রূপ হলো- উত্তর: সুলভ

১৭. নিচের যেটি বাংলা ভাষার অপপ্রয়োগের দৃষ্টান্ত- উত্তর: সবগুলো

১৮. আলংকারিক প্রয়োগ বর্জনীয় যে ক্ষেত্রে- উত্তর:  সারাংশ লিখন

১৯. উক্তি পরিবর্তন: মা রেগে আমাকে বললেন, “তোমাকে গিয়ে কাজ নেই।”- উত্তর:  রাগান্বিতভাবে মা আমাকে যেতে নিষেধ করেছিলেন।

২০. ‘হাড়হদ্দ’ বাগধারা দিয়ে বোঝায়- উত্তর:  নাড়ীনক্ষত্র


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ইংরেজি অংশের সমাধানঃ   

Fill in the gaps (21-24) with appropriate words:

২১. I will be late. Please …….. lunch without me. উত্তর: start

২২. Shobuj popped …….. for a coffee on his way home. উত্তর: up

২৩. I have to … to the finish line and back. উত্তর: run

২৪. I cannot park the limousine. It is right now ….. the way. উত্তর: across

২৫. The idiom ‘break a leg’ expresses- উত্তর: good wishes 

২৬. Count the number of adverbs: I was just wondering if you could cook it perfectly and make the dish quite delicious as always. উত্তর: 4

২৭. Join two parts: “She completed all tasks”; “a big surprise.” উত্তর: which was

২৮. Use appropriate verb form: Shall I ( ) the room clean while you are out? উত্তর: sweep

২৯. Make indirect: The girl told him, “please be careful.” উত্তর: The girl advised him to take care.

৩০. Find the odd genre of novels- উত্তর: Oldies

৩১. If brave: valiant, then slick: উত্তর: greasy

৩২. ‘He is a seasoned politician.’ is an example of- উত্তর: pun

৩৩. Make simple: ‘Work hard to avoid failure.’ উত্তর: Without working hard you cannot avoid failure. 

৩৪.Joyee is the only son of the bank owner. So, he had it on easy street. The bold faced phrase means- উত্তর: financial security

৩৫. Choose the best form of modal: Let’s dance on the floor, …….. We? উত্তর: shall

৩৬. Change into passive: Did he do his task? উত্তর: Was his task done by him? 

৩৭. Find the antonym of ‘unravel’: উত্তর: tangle

৩৮. The word ‘inside’ cannot be used as- উত্তর: verb

৩৯. Translate into English: কারুশিল্পে আমাদের সাংস্কৃতিকরুচি প্রতিফলিত হয়।- উত্তর: Craftwork represents our cultural flavour.

৪০. “A man of genius makes no mistakes.” is the quote of- উত্তর: James Joyce


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গণিত অংশের সমাধানঃ    

৪১. If tan (x – 30º) = 1/3, cos x = ? উত্তর: 1/2

৪২. If logₓ144 = 4, then x = ? উত্তর: 2√3

৪৩. If -13 – 2x 3, then উত্তর: 0 ≤  x ≤ 2

৪৪. The distance from the centre of a circle of radius 5 cm to a chord of length 8 cm- উত্তর: 3 cm 

৪৫. The area of a circle of radius √2 is approximately- উত্তর: 6.2832

৪৬. If the radius of a sphere is increased by 10%, how much will the surface area be increased in percentage? উত্তর: 21%

৪৭. How many integers between 1 t0 100 are divisible by 3 but not by 5? উত্তর: 27

৪৮. If n is an odd integer, which of the following must be an odd integer? উত্তর: 4n + 1

৪৯. Which of the numbers below is not equivalent to 2%? উত্তর: 1/10

৫০. The next number in the sequence 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,……….is- উত্তর: 34

৫১. The H.C.F of x² – 1, x⁴ – 1 and  x⁴ – x³ + x – 1 is-  উত্তর: x² – 1

৫২. If 3x + 2y = 7 and 3x – 2y = 5 then xy = ? উত্তর: 1

৫৩. How many real roots does the polynomial 2x³ + 8x – 7 have? উত্তর: 1 (One) 

৫৪. A coin is tossed four times. What is the probability of getting head on all tosses? উত্তর:  1/16

৫৫. If cos? + sin? =1. then ? = ? উত্তর:  90º

৫৬. If the sum of x and its multiplicative inverse is 3, then x3+1/x3=? উত্তর: 18

৫৭. Let M be the median and m the mode of the following set of numbers: 10,70,20,40,70,90. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of M and m? Ans: 62.5 

৫৮. If (7a)(7b)=7c/7d, what is d in terms of a, b and c? Ans: c-a-b

৫৯. If the lines AB and CD meet at O and ∠BOD=630  then ∠BOC=?  Ans: 117 Degree 

৬০. The next term of the series 9+36+81+144+….is Ans: 225

৬১. If a = 0.67 then which one of the following is smaller than a ? Ans: a2

৬২. The difference between simple and compound interest at 5% annually on a sum of TK. 10000 at the end of 2 years is – Ans: Tk. 25

৬৩. If a ladder touches the roof of a wall and makes an angle of 450 with the 15 metre long wall, then the length of the ladder is– Ans: 15√2 

৬৪. A product is bought and sold at the profit of 15%. The ratio of selling and buying cost is Ans: 23:20

৬৫. If the ratio of two numbers is 3: 4 and their least common multiple is 60, then the numbers are- Ans: 15, 20

৬৬. Mr. X will be the Chairman of the committee. In how many ways can a committee of 5 members be chosen from a total of 8 people given that Mr. X must be one of them? Ans: 35

৬৭. If the radius of a circle is 6 cm and a circular segment subtends and angle of 30 Degree at the centre, then the length of the arc is – Ans: π cm

৬৮. If A3is odd, which of the following is true? Ans: Both A and A2 are odd

৬৯. A rectangle is 14 cm long and 10 cm wide, If the length is reduced by x cm and its width is increased also by x cm so as to make a square, then its area increased by Ans: 4cm3


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সাধারণ জ্ঞান ও আইসিটি অংশের সমাধানঃ    

৭০. In July 2021, the country which issued a postage stamp featuring Bangabandhu is Ans: Turkey

৭১. ‘The Palme d’Or’ prize is awarded at the….film festival. Ans: Cannes

৭২. Nexus TV is and electronic media of Ans: Bangladesh

৭৩. Generally, the shape of a demand curve is Ans: downward sloping

৭৪. Issued shares of listed companies are deposited in Ans: BSEC

৭৫. Mr. Shobuj was both the 14th highest and the 14th lowest in a tennis tournament. How many participants were in the tournament? Ans: 27

৭৬. ‘International peace, security and solidarity’ is mentioned in the … part of the Constitution of Bangladesh. Ans: 2nd

৭৭. Till October 2021, the number of Upazilas in Bangladesh is Ans: 495

৭৮. The ‘Special Rehabilitation Fund’ offered by Probashi Kallyan Bank has the interest rate of- Ans: 4%

৭৯.The ‘Wage Earners’ Welfare Board’ law was passed in Ans: 2018

৮০. The first Hydrogen Energy Laboratory is situated in- Ans: Chittagong

৮১. The Social Development Foundation of Bangladesh is funded by- Ans: World bank

৮২. The vision of Probashi Kallyan Bank does not include- Ans:  ensuring migrants rights

৮৩. Find odd one which should not be in the high remittance sending country list of the GoB. Ans: Iran 

৮৪. The Booker Prize 2021 has been awarded to- Ans: Damon Galgut

৮৫. Denvi-3 is a variant of Ans: Dengue

৮৬. The Amnesty International was established in Ans: UK

৮৭. …. Will not deduct money from one’s bank account directly. Ans: A credit card

৮৮. The delay that occurs between the time a check is written and the money is deducted from the client’s account is known as Ans: float

৮৯. ‘The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication’ is Ans: a money transfer tool

৯০. The main function of the Security Exchange Commission is Ans: regulation

৯১. ……… is used to create a web page. Ans: XML

৯২. Which is not an online education platform- Ans: Module

৯৩. Conversion of data into code is called Ans: encryption

৯৪. The term for a shop that is both online and on the high street is Ans: click & brick

৯৫. Disadvantage of e-commerce is Ans: Controlling privacy and security

৯৬. The shortcut key for starting the slide show in MS-PowerPoint is Ans: F5

৯৭. Find which is not a MS-Excel function- Ans: COUNTD

৯৮. ……is a software application which enables the transfer of files from one computer to another. Ans: FTP server

৯৯. Find from the following which is a single integrated circuit Ans: gate

১০০. Select the odd one here- Ans: JAVA


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PKB Officer Exam Question Solution 2021:

PKB Officer Exam Question Solution 2021 has been published. Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB) is the Government bank in Bangladesh. Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB) has published a huge job circular by the Authority. All information regarding the appointment of Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB) is given on our website We Publish all Jobs Circular Every day, Such as Government Jobs in Bangladesh, Bank Jobs in Bangladesh, Private Jobs in Bangladesh, International NGO in Bangladesh, Private companies in Bangladesh, Private University Jobs in Bangladesh. Bank Jobs Results, Government Jobs Results, Government University Jobs result in Bangladesh and all Part-time Jobs in Bangladesh and other educational support are available here on our website. We provide different types of job information with also provide some effective information or resource and job tips which helps to get job easily. We trust that our distributing data helps the activity searchers who are finding a superior employment. We likewise share slanting assets for learner uniquely who is re expanding their insight. Our principle target turns into a trusty occupations round site in Bangladesh by distributing a genuine refresh that enables the joblessness to individuals. All the jobs on this website are not for unemployed people but also employed people too. All types of suggestions, question solutions for the different competitive exams are available here. We provide all types of educational support on our website So every day tune in with our website for all kinds of educational support. Please like our Facebook page




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I am a passionate blogger and at present working in a Government organization. I have completed my MBA from Rajshahi University. Educational content writing is my dearest passion. I hope all my educational content will help you in several extent. Thank you for visiting our website.

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