Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam Question Solution 2019

Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam Question Solution 2019 has been published. JBL AEO Teller Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank Assistant Executive Officer (AEO) Teller Exam Question Solution 2019, Exam Question Solution of Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam 2019, Janata Bank Assistant Executive Officer Teller Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank Assistant Executive Officer (AEO) MCQ Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank Limited Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank Limited (JBL) Exam Question Solution 2019, JBL MCQ Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam Question and Solution 2019, Janata Bank AEO Cash Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam Question Solution 2019, Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam Question and Answer 2019, Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam Question and With Answer 2019, Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam Full Question Solved 2019, JBL AEO Teller Exam Question Solved 2019 are search option to get all information of JBL AEO Teller Exam Question Solution 2019.




JBL AEO Teller Exam Question Solution 2019:

Bank name: Janata Bank Limited

MCQ Exam Date: 20 December 2019

Exam Time: 3.00 PM – 4.00 PM

Total Vacancy: 536


See/download Janata Bank AEO Teller Exam Question Solution 2019 From below:

Set: A

বাংলা অংশ সমাধানঃ

১. ক্রিয়ামূল ,ক্রিয়াকাল  ও পুরুষ ইত্যাদি ব্যাকরণের কোন অংশের আলোচ্য বিষয়? উত্তরঃ রূপতত্ত্ব 

২. দাপ্তরিক কোন শব্দটি ইংরেজি ভাষা থেকে আগত? উত্তরঃ এজেন্ট

৩. গ্রিক শব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ দাম

৪. কোন প্রখ্যাত পন্ডিত ইংরেজিতে বাংলা ভাষা ব্যাকরণ রচনা করেন? উত্তরঃ ব্র্যাসি হ্যালহেড

৫. বাংলা ভাষায় কতটি যতি চিহ্নের প্রচলন রয়েছে? উত্তরঃ ১২ টি

৬. তস্কর এর বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ সাধু

৭. ভুতের বিপরীত শব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ ভবিষ্যৎ

৮. নিচের কোনটি ব্যতিহার বহুব্রীহির উদাহরণ? উত্তরঃ কানাকানি

৯. অনুতাপ পদটির সঠিক ব্যাসবাক্য কোনটি? উত্তরঃ তাপের ক্ষুদ্র

১০. Forgery শব্দের বাংলা পরিভাষা? উত্তরঃ জালিয়াতি

১১. কোনটি ক্ষুধার্ত শব্দের সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ? উত্তরঃ ক্ষুধা + ঋত

১২. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান? উত্তরঃ সঠিক উত্তর নাই (সঠিক হবে নৈঋত)

১৩. ভিষক শব্দের সঠিক অর্থ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ চিকিৎসক

১৪. নষট স্বভাব যার এক কথায় হবে? উত্তরঃ নশ্বর

১৫. সাপের খোলস কে এক কথায় বলা হয়? উত্তরঃ নির্মোক

১৬. বাংলা সাহিত্যের আদি কবি কে? উত্তরঃ লুইপা 

English Part Solved:

Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

১৭. Many customers have requested that they ……notice of our sales.

A. Receives B. receive C. Received D. Receiving

Ans: B. receive

১৮. The person——lost a briefcase may claim it in the lobby.

A. Whose B. Whom C. Who D. Which

Ans: C. Who

১৯. The vice-president will be seated——the chairman at the banquet.

A. By B. As C. To D. From

Ans: A. By 

২০. The head of operations ——to the management convention.

A. Go B. Is going C. Going D. Are going

Ans: B. Is going

২১. Visitors are reminded ——name tags at all times.

A. wear B. Is wearing C. to wear D. be worn

Ans: C. to wear

Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

Speech is great blessings but it can also be great curse,for while it helps us to make our intentions and desires known to our fellows,It can also if we use it carelessly,make our attitude completely misunderstood.A slip of the tongue,the use of unusual word,or of an ambiguous word,and so on,may create an enemy where we had hoped to win a friend.Again,different classes of people use different vocabulary and the ordinary speech of an educated may strike an uneducated listener as pompous.Unwittingly,we may use a word which bears a different meaning to our listeners form what it does to men of our own class.Thus,speech is not a gift to use lightly without thought,But one which demands careful handling. only a fool will express himself alike all kinds and conditions to men.

২২. The best way to win a friend is to avoid —–

A. irony in speech B. Pomposity in speech C. verbosity in speech D. Ambiguity in speech

Ans: D. Ambiguity in speech

২৩. While talking to an uneducated person,we should use —

A. ordinary speech B. Simple words C. his vocabulary D. polite language

Ans: B. Simple words

২৪. If one used the same style of language with everyone,one would sound–

A. Foolish B. Flat C. Boring D. democratic

Ans: A. Foolish 

২৫.  A “slip of the tongue’ means—–something said —

A. wrongly by choice B. Without giving proper thought C. Unintentionally D. To hurt another person.

Ans: C. Unintentionally

২৬. Speech can be curse,because it can—–

A. Hurt others B. Lead to carelessness C. Reveal our intentions D. Create misunderstanding.

Ans: D. Create misunderstanding.

Choose the correct word spelling from the given options:

২৭. A.Dillema B.Dilemma C.Dilema D.Dilima

Ans: B.Dilemma

২৮. A. Falacious B. Fallasious C. Fallacious D. Falascious

Ans: C. Fallacious

২৯. A. Supersede B. Superceed C. Supercede D. Superseed

Ans: A. Supersede

৩০. A. Hetrogenous B. Heterogeneous C. Hetrogeneous D. Heterogenous

Ans: B. Heterogeneous 

৩১. A. Recesion B. Recission C. Ricession D. Recession

Ans: D. Recession

৩২. A. Eflorescence B. Efllorescence C. Efflorescence D. Efflorascence

Ans: C. Efflorescence

Math Part Solved:

৩৩. Two Buses start at the same time from Delhi and Agra, which are 300 km towards each other, after what time will they cross each other if their speeds are 38 km per hour and 37 kilometers per hour?

Ans: 300/(38+37) = 4 (A)

৩৪. A and B together can complete a piece of work in 4 days. If A alone can complete the same work in 12 days. in how many days can b alone complete that work?

Ans: 4(A+B) = 12B

=> A:B = 2:1 (Efficiency)

Now, 12×1 = 2×T

=> T = 6 days (C)

৩৫. If (8.97)^2*(15.05)^2/ √624.89=9^n then the value of n is?

Ans:  9²×15²÷√625

= 81×225÷25

= 81×9

= 729

= 9³

So, N = 3 (A)

৩৬. How many seconds will a 500-metre long train take to cross a man walking with a speed of 3 kilometre/ hour in the direction of the moving train if the speed of the train is 63 km/hour?

Ans: 500/(63-3)×5/18 = 30 sec (B)

৩৭. A lent Tk. 5000 to B for 2 years and Tk. 3000 to C for 4 years on simple interest at the same rate of interest and received Tk. 2200 in all from both of them as interest. The rate of interest per annum is:

Ans: (5000×2×r)/100 + (3000×4×r)/100 = 2200

=> 10000r + 12000r = 2200×100

=> r = (2200×100)/22000 = 10% (D) 

৩৮. Nicky is 25% more efficient and then Tina. Tina alone can build a craft in 20 days. find the number of days taken by Nickki to finish the same piece of work?

Ans: N:T = 125:100 = 5:4 (Efficiency)

Now, 20×4 = 5×T

=> T = 16 days (A) 

৩৯. A man can reach a certain place in 40 hours. if he refused his speed by 1/15th, he goes 5 kilometres less in that time, find the total distance covered by him?

Ans: Speed Ratio = 15:14

1 = 5

15 = 75 km (C)

৪০. A man takes twice as long to row a distance against the stream as to row the same distance in favour of the stream. The ratio of the speed of the boat (in still water) and the stream is:

Ans: D:U = 2:1

Still water : stream = (2+1)/2 : (2-1)/2 = 3:1 (D) 

৪১. A, B and C investment in a partnership in the ratio of 5:6:8 the ratio of their profit is 5:3:12  find the ratio of time for their investment?

Ans: Time = 5/5 : 3/6 : 12/8 = 1:1/2:3/2 = 2:1:3 (A)

৪২. A shopkeeper marks the price of an article at TK 80, what will be the selling price, if he allows two successive discounts of 5% each?

Ans: 80×(19/20)×(19/20) = 72.2 (C)

৪৩. If√2=64, What will be the value of n?

Ans: √2^n = 64

=> 2^n = 64²

=> 2^n = 2^(6×2)

=> 2^n = 2^12

=> n = 12 (A)

৪৪. If ⅕: 1/N: 1/1.25 Then the value of N  is?

Ans: 1/5 : 1/N = 1/N : 1/1.25

=> N/5 = 1.25/N

=> N² = 5×1.25

=> N² = 6.25

=> N = 2.5 (D)

৪৫. How many litres of a 90% of concentrated acid needs to be mixed with a 75% solution of concentrated acid to get a 30-litre solution of 75% concentrated acid?

Ans: 90—–75



15 = 30

3 = 6 (B) 

৪৬. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum at 55% per annum for 2 years in taka 1.50, The s

Ans: CI = 5+5+(5×5)/100 = 10.25%

ATQ, 10.25%-10% = 1.50

=> 100% = 600 (D) 

৪৭. Two cards are drawn together for a pack of 52 cards the probability that one is a spade and one is a heart?

Ans: 13C1×13C1/52C2 = 13/102 (B)

৪৮. In a lottery, there are 10 prizes and 25 blanks a lottery is drawn at random what is the probability of getting a prize?

Ans: 10/35 = 2/7 (C)

৪৯. A rectangular block 6cm by 15cm is cut up into an exact number of equal cubes. Find the least possible number of cubes?

Ans: HCF of 6,12,15 = 3

Req. Num = 6/3 × 12/3 × 15/3 = 40 (B)

৫০. The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is 5:1, if the area of the rectangle is 216 square cm, what is the length of the rectangle?

Ans: 2(L+B) : B = 5:1

=> L:B = 3:2

ATQ, 3x × 2x = 216

=> 6x² = 216

=> x² = 36

=> x = 6

=> 3x = 18 (Length) (D)

৫১. The difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23m. if its perimeter is 206 metre then its area is?

Ans: L= 23+B

2(23+B+B) = 206

=> 4B+46 = 206

=> B = 40

Area = 40×(40+23) = 2520 (A) 

৫২. A tab can fill a tank in 6 hours. after half the tank is filled three more similar tabs are opened what is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?

Ans: Half = 3 hours

Other half = 3×60/4 = 45 mins

Total = 3 hours 45 mins (B)

৫৩. For any two numbers m,n  (m+n): (m-n):mn=7:1:60, Find the value of 1/m:1/n?

Ans: (m+n):(m-n):mn = 7:1:60

So, (m+n):(m-n) = 7:1

=> 7m-7n = m+n

=> m:n = 4:3

=> 1/m:1/n = 1/4:1/3 = 3:4 (C)

৫৪. The sum of three numbers in 98 if the first to the second is 2:3 and that of the second to the third is 5:8 then the second number is?

Ans: A:B = 2:3 = 10:15

B:C = 5:8 = 15:24

A:B:C = 10:15:24

10+15+24 = 98

=> 49 = 98

=> 15 = 30 (A)

৫৫. √0.01+√0.0064=?

Ans: √(0.01+√0.0064)

= √(0.01+√0.0064)

= √(.01+0.08)

= √0.09

= 0.3 (B)

৫৬. If 20% of a=b  then ?????????? of 20% is the same as:

Ans: 20% of A = B

=> a/5 = b

20% of B = b/5 = (a/5)/5 = a/25 = 4% of A (D)

Math Solution Courtesy: Mahatab Hossain Rezon


GK and Computer Part:

৫৭. In which season do you need more fat? উত্তরঃ  Winter

৫৮. Normally the Commonwealth Games are held at intervals of? উত্তরঃ 4 years

৫৯. Penicillin is widely used as? উত্তরঃ Antibiotic

৬০. The company that has acquired interest in different industries by taking over or merging with other companies is called? উত্তরঃ Conglomerate

৬১. The main reasons of phosphorus in the biosphere is in the? উত্তরঃ Lithosphere

৬২. The headquarter of the International Committee of Red Cross is at? উত্তরঃ Geneva

৬৩. The reaction which converts sugar solution into alcohol is an example of? উত্তরঃ Fermentation

৬৪. The scientist who first discovered that the Earth revolves around the sun was. উত্তরঃ Copernicus

৬৫. The purest form of water can be obtained from? উত্তরঃ Heavy shower of rain

৬৬. The civilian airport of highest altitude is in. উত্তরঃ China

৬৭. First international peace Congress was held in London in. উত্তরঃ 1843 Ad

৬৮. For galvanizing iron which of the following Metals is used. উত্তরঃ Zinc 

৬৯. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, principal text or other images into digital form is? উত্তরঃ Scanner

৭০. Which of the following is spreadsheet program. উত্তরঃ Ms-excel

৭১. On which page the header or the footer is printed by default. উত্তরঃ Every Page

৭২. To drag a selected range of  data to another worksheet in the same workbook, use the. উত্তরঃ Ctrl key

৭৩. Who is among following is secondary storage device. উত্তরঃ Hard disk

৭৪. Which type of network would use phone lines. উত্তরঃ WAN

৭৫. The blinking point which shows your position in the text is called? উত্তরঃ Cursor

৭৬. Which is not a font style? উত্তরঃ Superscript

৭৭. Which shortcut can be used to switch between open workbooks. উত্তরঃ Ctrl+F6

৭৮. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be? উত্তরঃ Free

৭৯. Which of the following is the product of data processing. উত্তরঃ Information

৮০. Use of Icon and Windows characteristic of a………………… interface. উত্তরঃ Graphical user


ফুল সমাধানের কাজ চলছে….. একটু  পরে এখানে সমাধান দেওয়া হবে…………….আমাদের সাথেই থাকুন….


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I am a passionate blogger and at present working in a Government organization. I have completed my MBA from Rajshahi University. Educational content writing is my dearest passion. I hope all my educational content will help you in several extent. Thank you for visiting our website.

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