BEPZA Exam Question Solution 2021

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BEPZA Exam Question Solution 2021 has been published. Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) Exam Question Solution 2021, BEPZA Exam Question With Answer 2021, BEPZA Exam Question Solve 2021, Exam Question Solution of Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) 2021, Job Exam Question Solution of BEPZA 2021, prodhanmontri office bepza question solution, BEPZA MCQ Exam Question Solution 2021, BEPZA Office Shohayok Exam Question, BEPZA Previous Question Solution, BEPZA Written Exam Question Solution 2021, exam question, bepza Job MCQ Answer, Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Job Exam Question Solved 2021 is the search option to get all information of Export Processing Zones Authority Job Exam Question Solution 2021.     


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Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) is a Government organization in Bangladesh. The BEPZA has published Exam Question Solution 2021. See detail of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) MCQ & Written Exam Question Solution 2021 below.



Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) Exam Question Solution 2021: 

Organization Name: Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA)

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Post Name And Vacancy:

1. Assistant Secretary-03

2. Assistant Manager-15

3. Assistant Engineer (Civil))-03

3. Assistant Engineer (Electricity)-02

4. Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)-01

5. Office Assistant cum computer operator-05

Total Vacancy: 29

Exam Date: 02 April 2021

Exam Time: 10.00 AM 

Assistant Secretary Total Candidate:  2639 

Assistant Manager Total Candidate: 6341 

See/Download Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) Exam Question Solution 2021 From Below:

১. **** প্রশ্ন বুঝা যায় না।

ক. ফকির লালন 

খ, আলাওল 

গ. কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম 

ঘ. পবন দাস বাউল 


২. ‘ইউসুফ জুলেখা’ কাব্য রচনা করেন কে? 

ক. গিয়াস উদ্দিন

খ, ফকির গরীবুল্লাহ 

গ. সৈয়দ হামজা 

ঘ. শাহ সগীর

উ. ঘ

৩, Prothesis এর বাংলা প্রতিশব্দ কোনটি?

ক. অন্তস্বরাগম 

খ. অপিনিহিতি 

গ. আদি স্বরাগম 

ঘ. অসমীকরণ

উ. গ

৪. নিচের কোন গ্রন্থটি অন্যদের থেকে আলাদা?

ক. সােনার তরী 

খ. দোলন চাঁপা 

গ. মানসী

ঘ. শেষের কবিতা 

উ. ঘ 

‘আমমােক্তার’ শব্দে ব্যবহৃত ‘আম’ কোন বিদেশি উপসর্গ? 

ক. ফারসি

খ. ইংরেজি 

গ. আরবি

ঘ. হিন্দি

উ. গ

৬. কাক ভূষণ্ডি’ এর অর্থ কী?

ক. ষড়যন্ত্রকারী  

খ. বেজায় কালাে 

গ. দীর্ঘায়ু ব্যক্তি 

ঘ. কাক সর্বস্ব

উ. গ

৭.কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ? 

ক. শুশ্রষা

খ. শুশ্রুষা

গ. সূত্রুষা

ঘ. শুশ্রুষা

উ. খ

৮, “অভিরাম’ শব্দের অর্থ কী? 

ক. সুন্দর

খ, বিরামহীন 

গ. বালিশ

ঘ. চলন 

উ.  ক

৯, land out’ এর শুদ্ধ বাংলা পরিভাষা হলাে

ক. তথ্যপত্র

খ. প্রচার পত্র 

গ. হস্তলিখিত পত্র 

ঘ. জ্ঞাপন পত্র

উ. ঘ

১০, গীর্জা’ কোন ভাষার অন্তর্গত শব্দ? 

ক. পর্তুগিজ

খ. ফারসি 

গ. তুর্কি

ঘ. আরবি

উ. ক

১১. Plagiarism এর বাংলা প্রতিশব্দ কোনটি?

ক. বেতনবৃত্তি 

খ. প্রতক্ষবৃত্তি 

গ. জলৌকাবৃত্তি 

ঘ. কুম্ভিলকবৃত্তি

উ. ঘ

১২. নিচের কোনটি ভাববাচক বিশেষ্য? 

ক. মাটি

খ. হিমালয় 

গ. সৌরভ

ঘ. দর্শন

উ. ঘ

১৩. নিচের কোনটি নিপাতনে সিদ্ধ সন্ধিবিচ্ছেদ?

ক. উৎ + স্থাপন = উত্থাপন 

খ. কৃ + তি = কৃষ্টি 

গ. তদ্ + কাল = তকাল 

ঘ. তৎ + কর = তস্কর 

উ. ঘ

১৪. নিচের কোনটি অলুক দ্বন্দ্ব সমাসের উদাহরণ?

ক. দেশে-বিদেশে 

খ. মাতাপিতা 

গ, নরাধম

ঘ. ধােয়ামােছা


১৫. নিচের কোন শব্দে স্বভাবগত নিয়মে ‘ষ’ বসেছে?

ক, কৃষক

খ. ঋষি 

গ. ষড়ঋতু

ঘ. কাষ্ঠ

উ. গ 

১৬. “April is the cruelest month” is written by-

ক. W.B. Yeats 

খ. T.S. Eliot

গ. Robert Frost 

ঘ. Auden 

উ. খ 

১৭. ‘Love and Friendship’ is written by

ক. Francis Bacon 

খ. Jane Austen

গ. Jonathan Swift 

ঘ. Charles Dickens 

উ. খ 

১৮. Love for the whole world is called

ক. misogyny 

খ. benevolence 

গ. misanthropy 

ঘ. philanthropy 

উ. ঘ 

১৯. The people who carry a coffin at funeral are called;

ক. undertakers 

খ. supporters

গ. pallbearers 

ঘ. Mourners

উ. গ

২০. The word “electorate” means:

ক. Election office 

খ. A body of voters 

গ. Election procedure 

ঘ. Polling agent  

উ. খ

২১. Select the meaning of the word ‘Stagflation 

ক. Controlled prices 

খ. A deteriorating governance 

গ. Cultural dullness . 

ঘ. Economic slow down

উ. ঘ

২২. One who retires from society to live a solitary life is known as: 

ক. Recluse . 

খ. Teetotaler

গ. Iconoclast 

ঘ. Epicure 

উ. ক

২৩. We should always be grateful to one who has suffered for a great cause. Find the substitute word for underlined words. 

ক. Fanatic

খ. Martyr

গ. Devotee

ঘ. Patriot 

উ. খ

২৪. “to meet trouble half way” means:

ক. to get nervous 

খ. to be puzzled

গ. to be disappointed 

ঘ. to bear up 

উ. খ

২৫. People who assume that no evil can befall them are foolishly. 

ক. ardent

খ. confident 

গ. apprehensive 

ঘ. complacent 

উ. ঘ

২৬. ‘Conduit’ is nearest meaning to:

ক. Water tape . 

খ. Pipe 

গ. Electrical cable

ঘ. Moisture on windows puns 


২৭. The word ‘imbibe’ means 

ক. to tinge

খ. to drink 

গ. to acquire 

ঘ. to learn

উ. খ 

২৮. “to have an axe to grind” means 

ক. A selfish means to serve

খ. To fail to arouse interest 

গ. To have no revolt

ঘ. To work for both sides 

উ. ক

২৯. A Machiavellian character is; 

ক. An honest person

খ. Scheming person 

গ. An adventurous person 

ঘ. A learned person

উ. খ

৩০. ‘Invidious’ is opposite to-

ক. Offensive

খ. Hateful 

গ. Envious 

ঘ. Charitable . 

উ. ঘ

৩১. Who is the founder of electric cars manufacturing company “Tesla’? 

ক. Bill Gates 

খ. Larry Page 

গ. Elon Musk 

ঘ. Jeff Bezos

উ. গ

৩২. The 2020 Olympic are now postponed to 2021. These games will be hosted in-

ক. Beijing

খ. Tokyo 

গ. London 

ঘ. Moscow

উ. খ

৩৩. Bangabandhu’s historic speech on March 7 has been included in which schedule of the constitution? 

ক. Fourth Schedule 

খ. Fifth Schedule 

গ. Sixth Schedule 

ঘ. Seventh Schedule 

উ. খ

৩৪. Which amendment to the Constitution of Bangladesh is termed as first distortion of constitution?

ক. 5th Amendment 

খ. 4th Amendment 

গ. 3rd Amendment 

ঘ. 2nd amendment 

উ. ক

৩৫. The geographic location of Bangladesh is on the line of ……….. 

ক. Trophic Capricom 

খ. Trophic of Cancer 

গ. Equator

ঘ. Aretic Circle 

উ. খ

৩৬. The parliamentary system of Bangladesh was re-established through which amendment of the Constitution? 

ক. Eighth

খ. Ninth . 

গ. Eleventh . 

ঘ. Twelfth

উ. ঘ

৩৭. The World Wide Web (WWW) was invented by: 

ক. Tim Berners-Lee 

খ. Bob Kahn 

গ. Steve Jobs

ঘ. Bill Gates 

উ. ক

৩৮.Which of the following country does not hold veto power in the UN Security council?

ক. China

খ. France 

গ. Germany

ঘ. Russia 

উ. গ


৩৯. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an international …… alliance. 

ক. geographical 

খ. military

গ. economical

ঘ. Regional

উ. খ

৪০. How many goals were set in The Sustainable Development 2030 Agenda? 





উ. ঘ

৪১. The South Pole of the Earth is located in 

 ক. Norway

খ. Antarctica 

গ. Arctic Ocean 

ঘ. Pacific Ocean 

উ. খ 

৪২. The Komodo dragon are found in

ক. Indonesia

খ. Maldives 

গ. South Africa 

ঘ. Bhutan 

উ. ক

৪৩. What is the venue of 10 D-8 summit? 

ক. Ankara

খ. Kuala Lampur 

গ. Dhaka

ঘ. Islamabad 

উ. গ

৪৪. The headquarter of Transparency International is located in-

ক. Berlin

খ. London 

গ. Paris

ঘ. New York 

উ. ক

৪৫. Which country has currently paused legislation that allows military personnel to contest elections?

ক. China

খ. Myanmar 

গ. Pakistan 

ঘ Egypt

উ. খ

৪৬. If f(x) = 10′, then r'(x)= ? 

ক. e^x

খ. Inx 

গ. logx

ঘ. 10e^x

উ. গ

৪৭. Find the value of x if logx 324 = 4 


খ. 3√2

গ. √6

ঘ. 6

উ. খ

৪৮. If x + y = 3 and x = What is the value

of x^3+y^3? 



গ. 27 


উ. ঘ

৪৯. 50 persons can do a work in 12 day’s by working 8 hours a day. Working how many hours per day can 60 persons finish the work in 16 days? 

ক. 8 hours

খ. 6 hours 

গ. 5 hours

ঘ.4 hours 

উ. গ

৫০. What is the profit of Tk. 650 in 6 years at the rate of profit Tk. 7.5 percent per annumn? 

ক. Tk. 273.50 

খ. Tk. 292.50

গ. Tk. 302.25 

ঘ.Tk. 283.50 

উ. খ

৫১. If a/b = 1/3, b/c = 2, c/d = 1/2, d/e = 3 and c/f = 1/4, then what is the value of abc/def?-  3/8

৫২. A school has only four classes having 10,20, 30 and 40 students respectively with pass percentage of 20%, 30%, 60%, and 100% respectively. Find the passpercentage of the entire school.- উ. 76% 

৫৩. What is the value of x in the equation logx1/81 = 4 উ. – 1/3 

৫৪. If a^2 + b^2 = 5ab, then the value of a^2/b^2 +b^2/a^2- 23. উ. -23 

৫৫. Two numbers when divided by a certain divisor give remainder 35 and 30 respectively and when their sum is divided by the same divisor, the remainder is 20, then the divisor is:-  উ. 45

৫৬. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of getting the sum of the face number is odd? উ. -1/2

৫৭. If the square of the sum of two numbers

is equal to 4 times of their product. Then the ratio of these numbers is: উ.  -1:1

৫৮. If the land of the isosceles triangle is 16

m and the other two sides are 10 m each, what is the area of the triangle? উ.  -48m^2

৫৯. The line perpendicular to the tangent line is called?- উ.   normal line 

৬০. If sinx = 3/4, then cosx = ?- উ.   √7/4

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Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) Exam Question Solution 2021:

Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) Exam Question Solution 2021 has been published. Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) New Job Circular has published by the authority. Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) has published a job circular on various categories of the post. Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) is one of the largest Government organizations in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) has published a huge job circular by the Authority. All information regarding the appointment of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) is given on our website We  Publish all Jobs Circular Every day, Such as Government Jobs in Bangladesh, Bank Jobs in Bangladesh, Private Jobs in Bangladesh, International NGO in Bangladesh, Private Company in Bangladesh, Private University Jobs in Bangladesh. Bank Jobs Results, Government Jobs Results, Government University Jobs result in Bangladesh and all Part-time Jobs in Bangladesh and other educational support are available here on our website. We provide different types of job information with also provide some effective information or resource and job tips which helps to get job easily. We trust that our distributing data helps the activity searchers who are finding a superior employment. We likewise share slanting assets for learner uniquely who is re expanding their insight. Our principle target turns into a trusty occupations round site in Bangladesh by distributing a genuine refresh that enables the joblessness to individuals. All the jobs on this website are not for unemployed people but also employed people too. All types of suggestions, question solutions for the different competitive exams are available here. We provide all types of educational support on our website So everyday tune with our website for all kinds of educational support. Please like our Facebook page

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