Bangladesh Krishi Bank Cash detail Full & Final Question Solution

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Bangladesh Krishi Bank Cash detail Full & Final detail Question Solution:


১. স্বভাবতই ‘ষ’ ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে যে শব্দে-

ঊত্তর ঘ) আষাঢ়

২. কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের রচিত উপন্যাস নয়-

উত্তরঃ গ) ব্যথার দান

৩. ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরকে ডি-লিট উপাধি প্রদান কর-

উত্তরঃ খ) ১৯৩৬

৪.’ঊষর’ শব্দের বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ-

উত্তরঃ ক) উর্বর

৫.মুক্তিযুদ্ধভিত্তিক উপন্যাস নয়-

উত্তরঃ খ) একাত্তরের দিনগুলি

৬.সালতি শব্দের অর্থ হলো-

উত্তরঃ ঘ) তাল গাছের সরু ডোঙ্গা

৭.’Penny wise pound foolish’-প্রবাদটির যথার্থ বাংলা রূপ-

উত্তরঃ ঘ) বজ্র আঁটুনি ফস্কা গেরো

৮. নিচের শুদ্ধ বাক্যটি হলো-

উত্তরঃ ক) ব্যাধিই সংক্রামক স্বাস্থ্য নয় এবং ঘ) গতকাল তাদের প্রথম বিবাহবার্ষিক উদযাপিত হলো (দুটোই ঠিক)

৯. সাহিত্যিক-উপাধি নয়-

উত্তরঃ গ) পরশুরাম

১০. ‘নির্ভয়া’ শব্দটি গঠনের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কিত নয়

উত্তরঃ খ) সন্ধি

১১. বাংলাদেশ ‘গ্রাম থিয়েটার’ এর প্রবর্তক-

উত্তরঃ গ) সেলিম আল দীন

১২. ‘দাঁড়ি-মুখে সারি গান-লা শরীক আল্লাহ! – দাঁড়ি-মুখ বতে বোঝানো হয়েছে?

উত্তরঃ ঘ) মাঝিদের মুখে

১৩. ‘বিজেতা শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ-

উত্তরঃ খ) বিজিত

১৪. যে স্বামীর স্ত্রী প্রবাসে থাকে তাকে বলে-

উত্তরঃ গ) প্রোষিতপত্নীক

১৫. বাংলা একাডেমির প্রমিত বানানবিধি অনুসারে শুদ্ধ বানানটি হলো-

উত্তরঃ খ) ঊনচল্লিশ (বাংলা একাডেমি অনুসারে)

১৬. শুদ্ধ বিপরীত শব্দ-যুগল নয়-

উত্তরঃ গ) ঊধ্ব-অধ

English Solution:

17. Correctly Spelt word is-Autism

18. The antonym of “Climax” is-Nadir

19. The expression ‘Take into account’ means-Consider

20. “Perhaps I won’t go out this evening” means- I may not go out this evening.

21. The verb of “Politics” is -Politicize

22. The plural of “Spectrum” is- Spectra

23. Which is not an English Prefix- er

24. “A child likes sweets only.” The negative form of the sentence is-A child likes nothing but sweets.

25. “It cannot be done.” The active voice form is- No one can do it.

26. He said, ” I can do the work.” The indirect narration is–He said that he could do the work.

27. I can give you no assurance____help- of

28. The principal made an inquiry ____ the case. -into

29. ____do you spell your surname?-How

30. The noun form of the word “Fortunate” is–Fortune.

31. “May Allah help you.” is an- Optative Sentence

32. নাচতে না জানলে উঠান বাঁকা-A bad workman quarrels with his tools.


33. The lengths of two sides of a triangle are 7 cm and 4 cm respectively. The length of the third side is?
a) Greater then 3cm

34. 34. Consider that w + x = – 4, x + y = 25 and y + w = 15. Then the average of w, x, y is –

Ans: D.6

•Solution: (D)
Or 2w+2x+2y=36
Or 2(w+x+y)=36
Or w+x+y=36/2=18
So average of w,x,y=18/3=6

35. How long will it take for an amount Tk. 450 to yield Tk. 81 as interest at 4.5% per annum of simple interest –

A.4 years

36. Club A has 20 members and Club B has 27. If a total of 42 people belong to the two clubs, how many people belong to both clubs?


•Solution: (C)
Here Total =42
But 20+27 = 47
So, Both is = 47-42 = 5

37. Today is Aziz’s 12th birthday and his father’s 40th birthday. How many years from today will Aziz’s A father be twice as old as Aziz’s at that time?


•Solution: (D)
Let after x years Aziz’s fathers will be double
2(12+x) = 40+x
Or, 24+2x = 40+x So, x = 16

38. If 61% of Bangladeshi people like cafe, and 74% like tea, how many like both?


•Solution: (D)
(61-74)%-100% = 35%

39. A grocer buys some eggs at Tk. 3 each. He finds that 12 of them are broken, but he sells the others at Tk. 4 each and makes profit of Tk. 96. How many eggs did he buy?

C. 144

•Solution: (C)
Let, The grocer buys = x eggs
ATQ,(x-12)-3x = 96
Then, x = 144

40. What is the original price of a T-shirt, if the sale price after 16% discount Is 264?

D. 314

•Solution: (D)
84% = 264
So, 100% = 314.29 or 314

41. The present ages of John and Mary are In the ratio of 6 : 4 . Five years ago their ages were in the ratio of 5 : 3. How old is John now?


•Solution: (C)
6x-5:4x-5 = 5:3
Or, 20x-25 = 18x-15 So, x = 5. John now is 65 = 30

42. A man buys doughnuts at the rate of Tk. 35 per 100 pieces and sells them at Tk. 7.20 per dozen. If the profit is Tk. 30, how many doughnuts did he buy?


•Solution: (B)
Cost price of one doughnuts = 35/100 = 0.35
Selling price of one ‘’ = 7.20/12 = 0.6 tk
Profit in one doughnuts = 0.6-0.35 = 0.25tk
So. Total doughnuts = 30 / 0.25 = 120

43. If y% of x = 29, then x = ?

A. 2900/y

•Solution: (A)
y% of x=29
So x=29*100/y=2900/y

44. How many tangents to a circle can be drawn from an external point?


•Solution: (B)
বৃত্তের বহি:স্থ কোন বিন্দু থেকে ঐ বৃত্তে দুটি মাত্র স্পর্শক অংকন করা সম্ভব।

45. The one-third of the complementary (Supplementary) angle to 30° is –

C.50 degree

•Solution: (C)
Supplementary angle to 30 is 180-30 = 150 whose one third is 50 degree

46. If the area of a rhombus is 54 sq. cm and the length of one of the diagonals is 6 cm then the length of the other diagonal is –

A. 18

•Solution: (A)

Area of rhombus is ½(x*6) = 54 or 3x = 54 So, x = 18
47. If one number exceeds another number by 14 and the larger number is times the smaller number, then the smaller number is –

C. 28

•Solution: (C)

3/2 = 1.5
Let small number is x, so large number is 1.5x
1.5x-x = 14 or. 0.5x = 14 so, x = 28

48. The ratio between two numbers is 3:4 and their sum is 420. The greater one of the two numbers is


•Solution: (B)
If the number is 3x and 4x then 3x+4x =420 or 7x =420 so x = 60 so the greater number is 460 = 240

49. If 4^x+1=32, then x =?


•Solution: (d)

Or, 22(x+1) =25 = or, 2x+2 = 5 or 2x = 3 So, x =

50.log root 3^81

D. 8

•Solution: (D)

51. What will be the difference between simple and compound interest at 10% on a sum of Tk. 1000 after 4 years?

D. Tk. 64.10

•Solution: (D)
Formal Solution:
simple interest=1000*10*4/100=400 tk

So compound=1000*(1+1/10)^4-1000
=1000*(11/10)^4 -1000
=1000*11*11*11*11/10*10*10*10 -1000
=1464.1-1000 =464.1

So difference=464.1-400=64.10

52. If A’s income is 25% less than that of B, then what percent is B’s income more than that of A?

A. 33.33

•Solution: (A)
let B income 100
So A’s income=75
So B’s income more than A in %= 25*100/75=100/3=33.33%

53. After a 20% price decrease, a computer monitor is on sale for Tk. 7200. What is its original price?

A.Tk. 9000

•Solution: (A)
80% = 7200 S, 100% = 9000

54. The numbers 2, 3, 5 and x have an average equal to 4. What is the value of x? [BKB – (CASH ) -2017]

B. 6

•Solution: (B)
Total = 4*4 = 16
Other number is 16- (2+3+5) = 6

55. If 15 is the 6th number in a series of 6 consecutive odd numbers what is 4th number in the series?

C. 11

•Solution: (C)
The series is 5, 7, 9,11,13 and 15
So 4th number is 11

56. How many permutations of seven different letters may be made?

C. 7!

•Solution: (C)
number of permutations=7 factorial or 7!

ম্যাথ কার্টেসিঃ খাইরুল ভাই

General Knowledge

57. The name of the player included in the guineas book of the world is-Zobera Rahman Lenu

58. The tenure of the Governor of Bangladesh Bank is-4 years.

59. The duration of National ID cardd is-10 years.

60. The Ministry which controls Bank and Financial institutions In Bangladesh is -Ministry of Finance

61. The length of the Padma Bridge will be-6.15km.

62. The name of the first Bangladeshi search engine is-Pipilika

63. Secondary Market is related to-Stock Market

64. ATM stands for-Automated Teller Machine

65. The meaning of “Call Money” is–Inter Bank short term lending and borrowing.

66. Bangladesh got the membership of UN in-1974

67. Bangladesh is not the member of one of the forum-G-8

68. The first ever Bangladeshi origin woman selected as the Speaker of Tower Hamlets Council in England is-Sabina Akhtar

69. The oldest news agency of the workd is-Reuters (1851)

70. The organization received the Novel Peace Prize three times–International Committee of the Red Cross

71. The Rulling Party of Syria is-Ba’ath Party

72. The First Nawab of Bengal is -Murshid Quli Kham


73. The cell reference for a range……

Ans: b) C1:H10

74. Which topology does not allow transferring data directly from computer to computer?

Ans: D) Star

75. In MS word, Which of the following line spacing is invalid?

Ans: C) Triple

76. Which one is not pointing device?

Ans: b) OMR

77. Trojan horse is a kind of-

b) Malware

78. The Universal gate is-

Ans: c) NOR

79. The Protocol used for resolving IP address from a domain name is

Ans: a) DNS

80. WWW stands for-

Ans: c) World Wide Web

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Bangladesh Krishi Bank Cash detail Full & Final Question Solution

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