Class 6 English Assignment Answer 2021 6th Week has been published. 6th Week Class 6 English Assignment Answer 2021 has been Solved by Our Educational Team. Class 6 English Assignment Solution 2021 6th Week is an important task for the students. All information on 6th Week Assignment Solution 2021 of Class 6 is available below. English Assignment Answer 2021 6th Week is a significant assignment for the students. The directorate of secondary and higher education has already released the assignment syllabus. You Must Submit Your Assignment Your School. See detail of Class 6 English Assignment Solution 2021 6th Week.
Class 6 English Assignment Answer 2021 6th Week:
Assignment Type: School Assignment
6th Week Assignment Publish Date: 06 June 2021
Assignment Class: Six
Subject: English
Board: All Education Board
Note: নিচে ৬ষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের ৮ম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি এ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান ২০২১ দেওয়া আছে।
Think of a situation when you did something brilliant and somebody congratulated you. Maybe you played or sang well or cooked something for your family or had success somewhere. Now write about that experience. In your writing, mention the following things.
- What happened?
- When it happened?
- Who congratulated you?
- How he/she congratulated (e.g. what language was used)?
- How did you feel it?
Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Generally, in success we get congratulation from our friends and family.
I have a memory in this issue. I remember that is the time I played very well in a cricket match. I had practiced for the match for long time so that we could win. On the day of the match, I scored 120 runs and my team won because of it. It happened 5 years ago at our school. It was a hot day. I and my team had practiced very hard for this match as it was the final match of the season.
Because of my performance, along with my teammates, we won against our opponents. After this match, my teammates and my coach congratulated me for my performance. My coach said, “Well done, you did really well.” And patted me on the back. It made me feel very proud. I felt as if my hard work had finally paid off. I cherish this memory greatly and I will always remember it with fondness.
Think of an unhappy situation when you were upset but somebody helped you overcome your bad time. In your writing, mention the following things.
- What was the occurrence?
- How did you feel?
- Who consoled you?
- What language he/she used?
- How did he/she help you to overcome that situation?
Happy an unhappy satiation find the real sight of a people. Last year I was upset after a Hockey match because our team could not win against the rival team. It was the final match of the season. We had all worked very hard for the match and practiced so we could win. But our opponents were stronger and we lost, even though we had tried our level best. So, I felt very upset. After the match, our coach noticed how upset we were. He consoled us and tried to lift our spirits. He told us, “Don’t worry.”
And proceeded to tell us how well we had played on the field. By telling us how well we had done, even though we had not won the match, he helped us feel better about ourselves. After the words of consolation from him, I felt better. I felt confident again and I hoped to win the next game. This is how our coach helped us overcome the situation.
Class 6 English Assignment Syllabus 6th Week:
See/download School 6th Week Assignment Question All Subject in below PDF:
6th Week Assignment Syllabus 2021 PDF
Official Notice Link: Click Here to see the Official Notice
See/download School 6th Week Assignment Question All Subject in below images:
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