SSC English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

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SSC English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020:

Name: Secondary School Certificate (SSC)

Exam type: MCQ, Written

Exam Subject Name: English 1st Paper

Exam Date Was: 06 February 2020

Exam Time Was: 10:00 AM

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SSC English 2nd Paper Question Solution 2020

See/download SSC English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020 From below:

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Dhaka Board:

Read the text and answer the questions following it [1-2].
Mother Teresa was moved by the sight of the sick and dying on the streets of Kolkata. She founded the home for the dying destitute and named it ‘Nirmal Hridoy’ meaning ‘Pure Heart’. She and her fellow nuns gathered the dying people off the streets of Kolkata and brought them to this home. They were lovingly looked after and cared for. Since then men, women and children have been taken from the streets and carried to Nirmal Hridoy. These unloved and uncared for people get an opportunity to die in an environment of kindness and love. In their last hours they get human and Divine love and can feel they are also children of God. Those who survive, the Missionaries of Charity try to find jobs for them or send them to homes where they can live happily for some more years in a caring environment. Regarding commitment to family, Mother Teresa said, ‘May be in our own family, we have somebody, who is feeling lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried. Are we there? Are we willing to give until it hurts in order to be with our families, or do we put our interest first? We must remember that love begins at home and we must also remember that future of humanity passes through the family.’ Mother Teresa’s work has been recogniged throughout the world and she has received a number of awards. These include the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971), the Nehru Prize for Promition of International Peace & Understanding (1972), the Balzan Prize (1978), the Nobel Peace Prize (1979) and the Bharat Ratna (1980). Mother Teresa died at the age of 87, on 5 September, 1997. The world salutes her for her love and compassion for humanity. She has taught us how to extend our hand towards those who need our love and support irrespective of creed, caste and religion. Draped in a white and blue bordered sari, wrinkled face, ever soft eyes and a saintly smile, is the picture of Mother Teresa in our mind.


1. Choose the correct answer from the four alternatives given after each questions.

a) What did Teresa and her fellow nuns do?

Ans: All above

b) She got the Noble Prize in —.

Ans: 1979

c) Mother Teresa is a symbol of ?

Ans: love and kindness

d) Nirmal Hridoy is a home for?

Ans: The dying destitute

e) She got the Balzan Prize in?

Ans: 1978

f) Teresa Founded?

Ans: Nirmal Hridoy

2. Answer the following questions.

a) Why was Mother Teresa was moved?

Ans: Mother Teresa was moved by the presence of the sick and dying on the streets of Kolkata.

b) Why do you think Mother Teresa won so many awards?

Ans: I think Mother Teresa won so many awards for her extraordinary activities for human. 

c) When did Mother Teresa receive Nobel peace prize?

Ans: Mother Teresa received Nobel peace prize in 1979.

d) Why does the world salute her?

Ans: The world salutes Mother Teresa for her extraordinary activities and kindness for poor.

e) What did Mother Teresa say about commitment to family?

Ans: Regarding commitment to family, Mother Teresa said, ‘May be in our own family, we have somebody, who is feeling lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried. Are we there? Are we willing to give until it hurts in order to be with our families, or do we put our interest first? We must remember that love begins at home and we must also remember that future of humanity passes through the family.’

3. Read the following text and fill in each gap with a suitable word. Based on the information

a) martyrs

b) flowers

c) respect

d) give

e) dead

4. Complete the table below with information from the above passage

i) Wapakoneto, ohio

ii) University of california

iii) Received MSc degree

iv) 20 July, 1969

v) 31 July, 1960

5. Write a summary of the above passage of your own words.

Neil Armstrong was a NASA astronaut most famous for being the first person to walk on the moon, on July 20, 1969. Armstrong also flew on NASA’s Gemini 8 mission in 1966. He earned all his certificate in his early age. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM) pilot Buzz Aldrin became the first people to land on the Moon, and the next day they spent two and a half hours outside the spacecraft while Michael Collins remained in lunar orbit in the mission’s command module (CM). He was the inspiration of the whole world.

6. Match the part of the sentence given in column A. B and C to write five complete sentences.

a) a+ii+i

b) b+v+iv

c) c+i+ii

d) d+iv+vi

e) e+iii+iii

7. Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. Only the corresponding numbers of sentences need to be written.


8. Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on ” A Book Fair” 

A book fair is generally set up with displays of books that are available for purchase. Scholastic Books sets up book fairs that are designed to benefit the school, library or other entity. The main purpose of a book fair is not a sale but it offers a rare opportunity to assess the advancement made in the publication of books. It helps to create new writers also as well as new readers. It inspires people to form the habit of reading books. A book fair reminds us that books are our best companion. They change our outlook on life and widen our domain of knowledge. This book fair was held in the month of February to remind the language martyrs for their activities. This book fair is organized by bangle academy on the occasion of the 21 February in bangle academy premise.  The committee makes all the arrangements to make the fair successful. It should be made sure so that all the stalls might sell books. There should have an arrangement for refreshments. Seminars and cultural programmers should be arranged. Moreover, strict security measures should be taken. The government should encourage the writers and the writers and the publishers to publish creative books. Books should be sold at a cheap price. The experience was very amazing visiting the book fair.

9. Complete the story within ten new sentences.

Once a crow became very thirsty. He flew from one place to another in search of water. But he found no water. he continued his search for water. For a long time, he could not find any. He felt very weak, almost lost all hope. Suddenly, he saw a water jug below the tree. He flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, he could see some water inside the jug! The crow tried to push his head into the jug. Sadly, he found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then he tried to push the jug to tilt for the water to flow out, but the jug was too heavy. The crow thought hard for a while. Then, looking around it, he saw some pebbles. He suddenly had a good idea. He started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink. His plan had worked!

10. The graph below shows “The Internet Users” from 2000 to 2009. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

Ans: The graph shows the number of people using the internet from the year 2000 to 2009. The graph, at a glance, shows a tremendous rise of internet users over the years. In 2000, only 0.003 lakh people used the internet. In 2002, this rises to 1.5 lakh which means that in two years’ time 1.497 lakh more people began to use the internet. This trend of growth accelerates further in next years. We find that in 2003, 2.43 lakh people used the internet. After two years, that is in 2005, it becomes 3.00 lakh. Again, if we study the graph we find that the number of people using the internet increases faster between 2005 and 2007. In 2005 the users were 3.00 lakh while it rises to 5.00 lakh in 2007, which means that in two years’ time 2.00 lakh more people began to use ‘internet. However, there is a little increase between 2007 and 2008. In 2007 it was only 5.00 and in 2008, it rises to 5.56 lakh, that is, a growth of only 0.56 lakh. But from 2008, again the trend of growth goes faster. We find that between 2008 and 2009, there is an increase of 0.61 (6.17-5.56) lakh users. According to the graph we can say, that within a span of nine years the users of interne rise from 0.003 lakh to 6.17 lakh which is really a very significant growth of the users of interne over time.

11. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the birthday gift. 

101/ Mirpur road Dhaka.
Mirpur 1
06th February 2020
My Dear Masud
Thank you for accepting my invitation and attending my birthday party last night. I hope that you enjoyed the party and had a good time with our friends and my family members.
I am writing this letter to thank you for the beautiful gift you have given me.  I became very delighted getting book of my favourite author. You know I already wanted to buy this book. I have had a lot of presents on that day. But of all the presents yours is loveliest. I think that your present is not just a present; rather it is a symbol of your love for me.
I thank you once again for the nice present. Please convey my best regards to your parents.
Your Loving Friend
12. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of learning English.

Ema:Hello, Abhipsa how are u ?

Eva: I am fine ,What about u ?

Ema: I am also ok ,What are you doing ?

Eva :I am reading a article about the importance of English learning .

Ema: Nice ! actually English was important i n our every walk of life .

Eva: Of course, it is an international language .

Ema : But it is unfortunate that we are neglating this .

Eva : Oh! it is really disgraceful . This situation must be change if we want to keep pace with our modern world .

Ema : Right you are . Our relationship and trade would be affected if we do not learn English well .

Eva : Exactly . Besides efficiency in English none can receive higher studies as well as all the books on higher education are written in English .

Ema : Yes , it is only English that can help us to enter storehouse of knowledge .

Eva : Absolutely . But it is matter of shame that most of the university graduates lack proper knowledge of English .

Ema : Exactly . As a result they are being deprived of getting good jobs and receiving nice salary .
Eva: Right you are . A sound command over English is a prerequisite for good job and good salary .

Ema : Undoubtedly , In fact the importance of learning this language cannot described in words .We should learn and read English Seriously .

Evaa : Yes .

Emaa : Ok continue your reading . Bye .

Eva : Bye

Chittagong Board:


a) in 1985

b) A Turkish saint General

c) incomparable

d) Mugal and Turkish Architecture

e) light

f) lean

g) 60 pillars with 77 low height domes.


a) suitable

b) habitable

c) because

d) took

e) extinction


a) from Bogura Zila school.

b) in 1971

c) was published

d) over 200 fictions and non fictions books.

e) at Bellevue Hospital in Newyork


a+ iii +iv

b+ v + i

c+ i +ii

d+ ii + iii

e+ iv + v



Sylhet Board:

(a) ii. the biggest state festival

(b) i. annually

(c) ii. valiant

(d) iv. sports

(e) iv. highlights their political and social interest to the world community

(f) iv. a gala day

(g) iv. national festival day

(a) danger

(b) lack

(c) Result

(d) Threat

(e) increase

(i) was born

(ii) Chuadanga

(iii) west Pakistan

(v) was bourid







g a c beh df


Mymensingh Board:

See/download SSC English 1st Paper Question 2020 From below PDF & images:

Dhaka Board:


এস এস সি ইংলিশ ১ম পত্র পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান ২০২০

ঢাকা, রাজশাহী, দিনাজপুর, সিলেট, বরিশাল, ময়মনসিংহ, চট্টগ্রাম, যশোর, কুমিল্লা, সহ ১ টি মাদ্রাসা এবং কারিগরি শিক্ষাবোর্ডের এস এস সি ইংলিশ, ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র প্রশ্নের (ক, খ, গ এবং ঘ সেট) এই ৪ টি সেট অনুযায়ী সমাধান, উত্তর দেখতে পাবেন এখানে ।


Board wise Question Solution:

Dhaka English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Rajshahi English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Comilla English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Jessore English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Chittagong English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Barisal English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Sylhet English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Dinajpur English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Mymensingh English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020

Madrasah – dhakil English 1st Paper Question Solution 2020


পরীক্ষা শেষে খুব দ্রুত সকল বোর্ডের সমাধান এখানে দেওয়া হবে, দয়া করে অপেক্ষা করুন । এবং সম্পূর্ণ সমাধান দেখতে, পেতে আমাদের এই পোস্টটি সেভ, বুকমার্ক এবং ফেইসবুকে শেয়ার করুন অবশ্যই আমাদের গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন – যাতে সমাধান প্রকাশের সাথে, সাথেই আপনার কাছে নোটিফিকেশান যাই। আর একটু পর, পর রিলোড করুন । তাহলে খুব তারাতারি দেখতে পাবেন । আগামী পরীক্ষা গুলোর (সবার) জন্য রইল শুভকামনা, ধন্যবাদ! উল্লেখ্য আপনার কোন বোর্ডের সমাধান প্রয়োজন? নিচের বক্সে কমেন্ট করে, আমাদের জানান তাড়াতাড়ি সমাধান দিতে চেষ্টা করবো ধন্যবাদ!

ফেসবুকের মাধ্যমে আপনার কাঙ্খিত সকল তথ্য সবার আগে পেতে আমাদের অফিশিয়াল ফেসবুক পেইজে লাইক দিন ও অফিশিয়াল ফেসবুক গ্রুপে যুক্ত থাকুন। ধন্যবাদ

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About Abd Mamin

I am a passionate blogger and at present working in a Government organization. I have completed my MBA from Rajshahi University. Educational content writing is my dearest passion. I hope all my educational content will help you in several extent. Thank you for visiting our website.

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