Uttara Bank Exam Question Solution 2022

Uttara Bank Exam Question Solution 2022 is available below. Uttara Bank Assistant Officer Exam Question Solution 2022 has been solved by our educational team.  It is somehow UBL Assistant Officer (Cash) Exam Question Solution 2022 is great news for job seekers in Bangladesh. All information on UBL Assistant Officer (General) Exam Question Solution 2022 is available below. Uttara Bank Limited (UBL) is a Private Bank in Bangladesh.







Uttara Bank Exam Question Solution 2022: 

Bank Name: Uttara Bank Limited (UBL)

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Post Name: 

1. Assistant Officer (Cash)

2. Assistant Officer (General)




Exam Date: 23 July 2022

Exam Time: 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM

Exam Type: MCQ



Exam Taker: Business Faculty, DU


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See/download Uttara Bank Exam Question Solution 2022 from below: 


বাংলা অংশের সমাধানঃ 

১. যুগ্ম শব্দের উচ্চারণ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ জুগ্ মো  

২. মন শব্দের বিশেষণ- উত্তরঃ মানসিক 

৩. প্রত্যয় দিয়ে গঠিত হয়েছে কোন শব্দ? উত্তরঃ চরম

৪. পরপদে বিশেষণ থাকে এবং পরপদের অর্থই প্রাধান্য পায় কোন সমাসে? উত্তরঃ উপমান কর্মধারায় সমাসে

৫. বেগম শব্দটির উৎস কোন ভাষা? উত্তরঃ তুর্কি  

৬. “আমার ভাইয়ের রক্তে রাঙ্গানো একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি” কোন সাহিত্য সংকলনে প্রথম প্রকাশিত হয়? উত্তরঃ একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি 

৭. কচুবনের কালাচাঁদ বাগধারার অর্থ? উত্তরঃ অপদার্থ  

৮. অব্যয় পদ কত প্রকার? উত্তরঃ চার প্রকার 

৯. ‘যে পরিশ্রম করে, সেই সুখলাভ করে’ – কোন ধরনের বাক্য? উত্তরঃ মিশ্র বাক্য 

১০. বাংলা বর্ণমালায় মাত্রাহীন বর্ণের সংখ্যা কত? উত্তরঃ দশ 

১১. চর্যাপদের প্রথম পদের রচয়িতা? উত্তরঃ লুইপা 

১২. সুখের পায়রা বাগধারার অর্থ? উত্তরঃ সুসময়ের বন্ধু 

১৩. এক কথায় প্রকাশ করুন- যা পূর্বে দেখা যায়নি। উত্তরঃ অদৃষ্টপূর্ব 

১৪. তটিনী এর সমার্থক শব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ নদী 

১৫. বিধবা শব্দের বিপরীত লিঙ্গ কি? উত্তরঃ বিপত্নীক  


ইংরেজি অংশের সমাধানঃ 

১৬. Choose the correct spelling from the following. উত্তরঃ Etiquette

১৭. The passive voice of “The traitor should be shot dead. উত্তরঃ They should shoot the traitors dead.

১৮. Synonym of “Triumph” উত্তরঃ Victory

১৯. Antonym of “Conversant” is: উত্তরঃ Inexperienced

২০. Liquid: Hydraulics উত্তরঃ Motion: Dynamics

২১. A heater of knowledge and learning is called a: উত্তরঃ Misologist

২২. Antonym of “Careless” is: উত্তরঃ Careful

২৩. Choose the word that is spelt correctly. উত্তরঃ Bureaucracy

২৪. A disease which spreads by contact is called? উত্তরঃ Contagious

২৫. If we go to the park, …… you like to come too? উত্তরঃ Would

২৬. The passive voice of “Who taught you English” উত্তরঃ By whom was English taught to you.

২৭. Scholar: Ignorant উত্তরঃ Hardworking: Lazy

২৮. The synonym of “Condone” is? উত্তরঃ Accept

২৯. Cobbler: Leather উত্তরঃ Mason: Stone

৩০. One who believes in the power of fate? উত্তরঃ Fatalist

৩১. My sister is good …… English. উত্তরঃ At

৩২. Identify the correct spelling. উত্তরঃ Encyclopedia

৩৩. The synonym of “Decline” is? উত্তরঃ Diminish

৩৪. He has been exempted ….. night duty. উত্তরঃ from

৩৫. There wasn’t much unity ….. the council members. উত্তরঃ among


গণিত অংশের সমাধানঃ  

৩৬. An amount of Tk. 735 was divided between A, B and C. If each of them had received Tk 25 less, their shares would have been in the ratio of 1:3:2. The money received by C was: উত্তরঃ 245 

৩৭. Sam ranked 9th from the top and 38th from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class? উত্তরঃ 46

৩৮. Idrak buys 80kg sugar at Taka 40 per kg and 40 kg rice at Taka 50 per kg. At what price approximately in Taka per kg should he sell to make a profit of 10% on cost? উত্তরঃ 47.7

৩৯. A rectangular field will be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 square feet, how many feet of fencing will be required. উত্তরঃ 88 

৪০. The selling price of 15 items equals the cost of 20 items. What is the percentage profit earned by the seller? উত্তরঃ 33.3% 

৪১. The length of a rectangular room is double of its breadth. If the area is 512 square inches, what is the perimeter (in feet)? উত্তরঃ 8








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Uttara Bank Exam Question Solution 2022:

Uttara Bank Exam Question Solution 2022 has been published. Uttara Bank Limited (UBL) has published job circulars on various categories of posts. Uttara Bank Limited (UBL) is one of the largest private banks in Bangladesh. Uttara Bank Limited (UBL) has published a huge job circular by the Authority. All information regarding the appointment of Uttara Bank Limited (UBL) is given on our website jobstestbd.com. We Publish all job circulars every day, Such as Government Jobs in Bangladesh, Bank Jobs in Bangladesh, Private  Jobs in Bangladesh, International NGOs in Bangladesh, Private companies in Bangladesh, and Private  University Jobs in Bangladesh. Bank Jobs Results, Government Jobs Results, Government University Jobs Results in Bangladesh, and all Part-time Jobs in Bangladesh and other educational support are available here on our website. We provide different types of job information with also provide some adequate information or resources and job tips which help to get a job easily. We trust that our distributing data helps the activity searchers who are finding superior employment. We likewise share slanting assets for learners uniquely who are expanding their insight. Our principle target turns into a trusty occupations round site in Bangladesh by distributing a genuine refresh that enables joblessness to individuals. All the jobs on this website are not only for unemployed people but also for employed people. All types of suggestions and question solutions for the different competitive exams are available here. We provide various kinds of educational support on our website jobstestbd.com. So every day tune in with our website for all kinds of educational support. Please like our Facebook page jobstestbd.com.


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About Abd Mamin

I am a passionate blogger and at present working in a Government organization. I have completed my MBA from Rajshahi University. Educational content writing is my dearest passion. I hope all my educational content will help you in several extent. Thank you for visiting our website.

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