41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus and Marks Distribution

41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus and Marks Distribution is available. 41th BCS Syllabus, 41st BCS Marks Distribution, syllabus for bcs preliminary test, 41 BCS MCQ Syllabus and Marks Distribution 2019-20, http://www.bpsc.gov.bd BCS Syllabus, 41st bcs preliminary syllabus pdf, 41st BCS MCQ Syllabus, 41st bcs syllabus pdf download, 41st Bcs Preliminary Exam Syllabus Download PDF are search option in google to get 41th BCS Preliminary Syllabus And Marks Distribution. We know that 41st BCS Circular has been published in November 2019. Now it is necessary for student to get 41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus And Marks Distribution. So we have provided 41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus And Marks Distribution in our website below.


Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) has published BCS Circular of 2135 Post on various categorizes post in November 2019. It’s a lucrative job and it’s great chance to get job for job seeker. This job is perfect to build up a significant career. Those, who want to work,they should be taken out of this opportunity. Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) is a renowned Government organization in Bangladesh.



41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus and Marks Distribution:

Exam Type: MCQ/Preliminary

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Total Vacancy: 2135

General cadre: 600 (More or Less)

Technical cadre: 550 (More or Less)

General education cadre: 892 (More or Less)

Assistant Teacher Trainer-23

Syllabus for: MCQ Exam

Total MCQ Marks: 200

Circular Published Date: 27 November 2019
Application Last Date: 04 January 2020
Application Start date: 05 December 2019

See Detail 41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus And Marks Distribution in PDF below:


41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus And Marks Distribution (Detail) PDF

41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus and Marks Distribution

বিসিএস-এর ২৭টি ক্যাডারের নাম ও বিস্তারিত PDF


Official Syllabus Link: Click here to see the Official Syllabus Notice

See Detail 41st BCS Preliminary Syllabus And Marks Distribution in the images below:

The Bangladesh Public Service Commission makes selection of higher categories of civil servants through competitive examinations on the basis of the Bangladesh Civil Service (Age Qualification and Examination for Direct Recruitment) Rules-2014. The examination is called Bangladesh Civil Service(BCS) Examination and the recruited officers are called BCS Cadres. 27 Cadres are existing at present in Civil Service. Some of these are general and some are technical and some are general and technical/ Professional.


Candidates fill up their application and submit it through online of Commissions website within the schedule following the process of the Commission for taking part in examination. No application will be accepted after deadline. All candidates except disable and tribal have to pay TK. 700 as examination fee and the exam fee for disable and ethnic minority group candidate is Tk.100 .


Only the worthy candidates will be able to download their admit card automatically after completing their application and paying their particular fees. No candidates take part their examination without admit card. According to the BCS (Age, Qualification and Examination for Direct Recruitment) Rules, 2014 a two hours preliminary test (MCQ) of 200 (two hundred) marks is held on different branches of knowledge for evaluating the competency of the candidates.


Provision for deduction of 50% marks is kept for each wrong answer given in the preliminary MCQ test so that no candidates can get undue advantage by making answers on guess.


Courtesy: To all authorities from where documents are collected

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About Abd Mamin

I am a passionate blogger and at present working in a Government organization. I have completed my MBA from Rajshahi University. Educational content writing is my dearest passion. I hope all my educational content will help you in several extent. Thank you for visiting our website.

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