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38th BCS English Written Question Solution:
Exam Type: Written
Exam Date: 8 August to 13 August 2018 (Compulsory Subject)
N.B: Post related written exam will held in 1st week of September 2018.
38th BCS Written Detail Exam Schedule:
1. Date: 8 August, Time: 10 AM, Topic: English
2. Date: 9 August, Time: 10 AM, Topic: Bangladesh Affairs
3. Date: 11 August, Time: 10 AM, Topic: International Affairs And Time: 2 PM, Topic-Math
4. Date: 12 August, Time: 10 AM, Topic: Science And Time: 2 PM, Topic: Mental ability
5. Date: 13 August, Time: 10 AM, Topic: Bangla
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38th BCS GK Bangladesh Affairs Written Question Solution
See 38th BCS English Written Question Solution in below:
Part: A
1. Answer the following questions in your own words.
Try Yourself………
2. Meaning of the word:
a) Praiseworthy – Notable or commendable
b) Crust – Hard Part or exterior
c) Palpably – in a clear way or tangible
d) Stagnation- torpidity or Static Sate or not moving or Lack of activities
e) Wily -Astute or Expert at gaining an advantage by deceitfully.
3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate parts of speech.
a) acquiescence (Noun)- acquiesce (Verb)
b) assume (verb)- assumption (Noun)
c) assertion (Noun)- assert (verb)
d) Confidence (noun) – Confident (adjective)
e) believe (verb)- believer or belief (Noun)
4. Give the synonyms for the following words and makes sentences with the synonyms:
a) delude- deceive– They deceive the enemy by disguising the destroyer as a freighter.
b) incontestable– indisputable– His patriotism is as indisputable as his genius.
c) denial- contradiction- There has been some contradiction in his statements.
d) deride- mock– The students continue to mock the idea of a new government.
e) Sentient- feeling– She smiled up at him, feeling a sudden need for levity.
f) Gullible-Credulous– Credulous people can often be easy targets for scams
5. Break down the following sentence into four simple sentence:
Try Yourself………
6. Make sentences of your own with the following words and phrases.
a) Propaganda (স্বপ্রচার)- Communist propaganda told people that everything in the West was bad.
b) give credence to- (কোন কিছুকে বিশ্বাসযোগ্য মনে কর)- Please don’t give credence to that newspaper article.
c) derisive- (উপহাস্য)- The salary they offered me was derisive.
d) demagogue-( বাগ্মী জননেতা)- Even in a democracy, every politician is a potential demagogue
e) fester with ( পচন ধরানো) – If a cut or other injury festers with, it becomes infected and produces pus.
f) glow with- (আলোকিত হওয়া )- He felt a glow with the work.
g) Ferment- (উত্তেজিত করা বা সক্রিয় করা) –The media tried to ferment public unrest by repeatedly publishing the news.
h) customary-( গতানুগতিক)- It is customary to offer a drink to guests.
i) apparent (আপাতদৃষ্টিতে)- He was the apparent winner of the election.
j) withstand (প্রতিরোধ করা) – The soldiers withstood the attack.
7. Summarize the passage in your own words. (100 words)
Try Yourself………
8. Letter writing- The growing importance of rational thinking in our social and national life.
Try Yourself………
Part: B
9. Essay writing: 1000 words
a) The Rohingyas: Victims of genocide.
b) Blue Economy in Bangladesh: Prospects and challenges.
c) Impacts of social media on young generation.
Try Yourself………
10. Translation English to Bangla.
Try Yourself………
11. Translation Bangla to English.
Culture is an attempt to improve the quality of life and the environment and to improve the speed of history. Life and environment are an integral relationship. Life is generated from the environment and closely related with it and dependent on it. Improvement of one of these two is dependent on another. Improvement does not happen automatically, it has to be accomplished. People are in the process of progress. The only man have culture rather than any other. Man has that biological capability, so that he can introduce culture in family and joint efforts. There was no difference between other animals until the stage of evolution that people were able to create culture. The culture is inherited to make environment beautiful, exuberant, trend the improvement, think and practice by which man can make himself neat and clean with nature throughout his life. In the life of a person, as well as in the life of amount, there is cultural consciousness and culture. People display the power of their capability in a developing state, social system and way of life throughout logic, science and art formation. The tendency, the desire, aspiration, thinking, improving and to improve and enriching or to enrich is in the essence of culture. Culture is related to taste, likes, social beliefs, food, fearlessness, retrograde, judiciary, acceptance and attempted effort.
See 38th BCS English Written Question in below images:
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38th BCS Written Exam Instructions in below PDF:
38 BCS Written Instructions 2018
See 38th BCS Detail Written Syllabus in below PDF:
38 BCS Written Syllabus
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38th BCS English Written Question Solution:
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